“I would assume she wouldn’t.”
“She said all the dula boys stay naked most of the time.”
“You’re not a dula boy.”
“No, but she didn’t mean anything by it. She just meant that she was used to it.”
“I’m not. And from now on, I’d prefer you to keep covered up when others are around.”
The little ass grinned at me. “Oh, because you’re jealous? Like I was? Good—then you know how I felt when that woman had her hands all over you.”
“Jago…” I said in my sternest voice and then had nothing more to say, because he was absolutely right. I wandered over closer to see the screen and saw two people making love. It was shocking in its graphic detail.
“Jago, I don’t like you watching these.”
“Why not? You’ve done worse to me.”
“I most certainly have not.”
He grinned at me. “You sound so offended. But all right. I was just passing time while you worked. I’m a little bored.”
“You’ll be glad to know, then, that we’ve received an invitation to eat at court this evening. Go and bathe and tell Marichal or someone to find you something appropriate to wear. You have a couple of hours to get ready.”
“I want to wear trousers and a jacket and not one of these robes.”
“Then tell her to find you some. I’ll have to send servants for my own clothes. They may as well move some of them over here.”
“Tell me what to expect tonight.”
“Dinner. Long boring speeches by Linnius and the Chief Councilor. A great deal of liquor and wine.”
“Dancing? That would be fun.”
“No dancing, except by the entertainment. The emperor likes dancing girls. And boys for that matter.”
“He’s kind of a creepy person, huh?”
“You have no idea.”
I left then to find some servants to go to my home and retrieve some of my clothes. I finished up my work in the meantime and decided I needed to bathe too. I wandered into the bathing room and found Jago up to his pretty neck in soap bubbles. His long hair was piled up on top of his head in a messy bun.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking a bubble bath. Marichal found me some bath products. I already washed my hair earlier, so I decided not to again. It takes too long to dry.”
“If you’re finished, I need to bathe too.”
“You can come in with me.”
“If I do, we’ll never make it to the dinner. Now get out and go get dressed.”
“Yes sir,” he said, rising to his feet and thumping his chest with his fist in a Tygerian salute. He meant to mock me and my bossiness but all I could concentrate on was his wet, slick body with little bubbles clinging to it here and there. In two steps I was beside him and dragging him into my arms. He wrapped his arms around me shamelessly, and I was close to putting him on the floor and having him right there when I heard a small cough behind us.
It was Marichal, of course, and I almost turned on her. Jago’s arms wrapped tightly around my neck stopped me and brought me back to my full senses. I got shakily to my feet as she stumbled over an apology.
“Oh sir…Excellency, I’m so sorry. I was bringing these drying cloths. And Prince Jago, I found the clothing you required, and I’ve washed and dried everything, so it’s all fresh for you. Would you like to inspect what I’ve brought to see if it’s acceptable? I have it here.”
“No, Marichal, just put it on the bed,” Jago said. “And draw a fresh bath for Lord Dominiko please.”