Page 30 of Into The Rift

I could tell Tariq had gone blank. He looked frantically over to Rakkur for help, but Rakkur was only staring back at him with his lips pursed and a frosty expression. “I-uh…I know it starts with a ‘K.’”

Mikol grinned, but Rakkur and Blake both looked disapproving.

“Seriously, Tariq?” Rakkur said. “His name is Kyle.”

“Oh. Yes, of course.”

“That’s very sweet, dear,” Blake broke in, possibly to keep the peace or at least keep Rakkur in bed. “I love the names.”

“I guess that makes one of you.”

“I’m not sure how the rest of us got dragged into this,” Davos said.

“Unbelievable,” Rakkur muttered, still glaring at his husband.

“Anyway,” Blake said, “tell me more about this grandmother. How did that possibly come about?”

“She was the one who first approached us about the attack on Rakkur and Jago’s ship. She was able to warn us, so we could get there in time to stop the commander from taking off into the rift. We might never have found them if he had. She can tell you more at the meeting.”

“But she basically turned her own grandson in?”

“She wants us to make a deal with him. One that benefits everyone, she said.”

“This commander, her grandson, kidnapped both Rakkur and Jago and was ready to take Jago with him to the Pton planet.” Davos’s voice was dark with anger. “Why should we make an agreement of any sort?”

“I gave her my word for the information she had,” Mikol said. “I can’t go back on it.”

“But why did this emperor want the boys?” Blake asked, his tone sharp.

“As hostages,” he said. “To help keep the rest of us in line, I suspect, while they attacked the outlying planets.”

“But that’s crazy. That situation couldn’t have lasted forever and then what would have been the plan? What would have happened to Rakkur and Jago?”

“When hostages outlive their usefulness, they’re generally disposed of,” Mikol replied.

“Disposed of?’’ Blake said, his voice shaky.

There was a short, tense silence. Davos stood up, his face flushed with sudden anger. “I think I need to speak to this man. Now.”

“Wait,” I said, jumping to my feet. “You heard Mikol say he gave his word. And beating or killing him won’t help this situation. He was only following orders. He never personally hurt me.”

“Jago, you have bruises all over,” Blake said.

“None of them are from him. He tried to help me as much as he could.”

“How did he help? He didn’t let you go. When do we have this meeting?” Davos asked.

“In about an hour.”

“I didn’t make any promises, Jago. This man kidnapped two members of my family. It’s outrageous.”

Blake stood up and put the babies down after kissing them on their foreheads. “I think I’ll go and freshen up in our quarters before this meeting, and be back to see you soon, Rakkur.” He held out a hand to me. “Jago, why don’t you come with me? We need to talk before this meeting.”

“I’m going to be there.”

“No, Jago,” the king said, “there’s no need, and it’s too traumatizing.”

“There is a need. This is my business, as I was intimately involved in the whole thing. I want to be there…sir. Please.”