Page 6 of Cruz

“What?” I felt my knees get weak. “But I don’t have that kind of money. Will you take an IOU?”

He shrugged. “I will. But nobody likes a quitter, Cruz.” The velvety voice stopped him. “Stay for another round, and we could make one last bet. Double or nothing. Winner takes all.”

“No, I’m out of money. I’d be stupid to make a bet like that.”

“But you still have something I want.”

I met his eyes and swallowed hard. The room had fallen silent with every man there staring at the two of us. “I do?”

“Yes. I believe you laid down a challenge a short while ago, and I haven’t forgotten it.”

“W-what challenge?”

“You said, and I quote, ‘there’s no fucking way I’d ever enjoy another man spanking my ass.’”

Startled, I took a step backward. “Yeah? Well, so what?”

“So I’ll take that challenge. I think you would enjoy a spanking, if the right man gave it to you. And I think I’m the right man. So, one cut of the cards—if you win, you’ll get your money, and we’ll all go home. But if I win…”

I stared into his eyes. “If you win…?” I asked softly.

“Then you go home with me tonight, so I can accept your challenge.”

I stared at him in amazement. The idea electrified me, embarrassed me and made me feel hot all over. “Are you serious?”

“I am...and make no mistake, Cruz. If I take you home with me, I’ll put you across my lap and spank you, and then I’ll fuck your little ass, if you’re agreeable. And there’s only one thing I can promise you—it’ll be the most sensuous night of your life, and a night you’ll never forget.”

The room was so silent that I was sure no one was even breathing. I glanced over at Billy to see him wide-eyed, his mouth a little o.

“Pretty damn sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

He inclined his head slightly and smiled. “Or of you. I think you’re intrigued by the idea. What will it be, Cruz? Put up or shut up.”

The electric feeling between us that I’d felt earlier when he accidentally touched my hand as I was reaching for my cards was coursing down my spine. I raised my chin and stared directly into his eyes.

“Why not? Cut the damn cards and let’s do this.”

He pulled the cards over toward me and shuffled them slowly but expertly before slapping them down on the table. “After you,” he said and looked up at me.

My hands trembling, I reached out and cut the deck of cards. I held up the ten of diamonds for him to see and he nodded. Slowly, almost casually, he cut them again, pulling his choice over to gaze down at it before turning it up on the table. “King of hearts. Appropriate, under the circumstances, wouldn’t you say?”

I sat back down hard in my chair and stared across the table at him. David cleared his throat and broke the uncomfortable silence. “Cruz, it’s okay. Michael’s mostly teasing you. You don’t have to do this.”

Michael gave David a sharp glance, but he didn’t dispute what he’d said.

“Of course you don’t have to. I was just hoping you wouldn’t want to welsh on your bet,” Michael drawled.

He cut his eyes back to me and waited for me to decide. I looked into his gaze and said, “No, he’s not teasing. He means every word.”

He inclined his head with a little smile playing around his lips. Patiently, he waited me out.

I took a huge breath and then spoke all in a rush. “Okay. You won, fair and square. Let’s do this.”

He scooted his chair back abruptly and sharply from the table, maybe afraid I might change my mind. “David, it’s been a lovely party,” he said, “but I think I’ll be going home now.”

He turned back to spear me with a glance. “Coming, Cruz?”
