Page 27 of Cruz

After I wrote all that down, I told him I had a few other rules I’d like him to follow.

“I like to insist on enforced eyeline when we play. I’ll tell you where I want your gaze. Most of the time it’ll be on the floor. Sometimes on me.”

“I can do that.”

“In a scene or when we’re with others, you’re not allowed to speak unless spoken to by me or by someone I give permission to speak to you. I think this one will be hard for you. This never takes away your right to safe word or tell me if you’re legitimately concerned. Also, you’re never allowed to say no to me. Either safe word or say, ‘Yes, Sir.’ I don’t like bratty behavior. The first time you break any of these rules, we’ll start a count. When we get to ten, then you’ll be punished. And it won’t be fun. Since you don’t want pain, it will take the form of a time-out.”

“Like a kid?”

“Exactly like one.”

He gave me a dirty look, but I noticed a bulge in his trousers. Interesting.

“I also reserve the right to give you an over-the-lap spanking at any time, no matter where we are.”

“I don’t mind the idea of a spanking, but…no matter where we are? No, I-I don’t like any kind of humiliation.”

“Then I suggest you follow my rules.”

He blushed a lovely shade of pink. “Oh.” He glanced at me again. “In general, will there be times when you something to me in public?”

“Do you want to make it a limit?”


“Can we make it a soft limit? I do enjoy public play.”


I smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m an exhibitionist. Maybe I like showing off what’s mine. I do give frequent demonstrations of flogging, you know. But only when you’re ready for that. I’ll always be protective of you and never share you with anyone. I promise you that. But if I want to strip you and lead you through a club naked and on the end of my leash or turn you over my knee or do a public scene with you, I’d like to reserve the right to do that.”

“No, I can’t do that.”

“Soft limit?”

“Maybe. Okay. But I don’t want to crawl on the floor or anything like that, though.”


“Is that it?” he asked, blushing and looking up from under those long eyelashes of his. He was so fucking delicious. He dropped his gaze, and I put a hand under his chin to raise his eyes. “Eyes on me. I would never use public display as a punishment for you. It would be something we do only because we both want it.”

“Okay. That sounds good. Keep in mind that it might never happen.”

I shrugged. I hoped it would, but I’d respect his boundaries.

“It’s important to know my rules and follow them. There should be no room for any misinterpretation. I’ll always watch out for you and keep you safe, but I’m not a mind reader. If you need something or if something bothers you, you have to tell me immediately. Use red to stop or yellow to pause the scene and talk to me. I want you safe, consenting and happy with what I’m doing to you at all times. Even punishment should have its rewards. If I put you in a corner somewhere and you need something, you should let me know. Your body belongs to me, and my possessions are precious to me. You’re precious.”

He took a deep breath and said, “Oh,” in a swoony voice. I could have sworn he was falling into sub space just thinking about that corner. What was going on with that?

I chuckled and put my hand under his chin. “Come back to me, baby. Do I need to repeat any of that for you? I’ll put it all in the contract.”

“N-no, I got most of it.” He flinched at my sharp gaze. “I promise I’ll read it all carefully, Sir.”

I caressed the side of his face and then I made a few more notes. “I’ll fill out the contract and make you a copy so you can look it over. We’ll sign the final one. I want you to read it over carefully, like you said you would. If you have changes, then now is the time to talk about them, but that doesn’t mean we can’t adjust and make changes as we go. Outside of a scene, we can always talk, and during a scene, you have your safe words.”

“Okay, Sir.”

“One more thing. It should go without saying that I expect you not to masturbate. I’ll know if you do.”