Page 25 of Cruz

The day had finally come for our visit, and I’d been looking forward to it. It was a beautiful day outside and a perfect day for a ride. We took the turnpike and made pretty good time. It was my first time at his beach house, and it wasn’t at all the way I’d pictured it. In fact, it was much better.

Instead of the huge mansion I’d halfway expected because of how fancy his condo was, the house was still large, but not outrageously so. It was an elegant, older white stucco with a red tile roof, and it was well maintained, with a beautifully landscaped yard. It had a modern design, all on one level, but the best part by far was the perfect view. The house overlooked its own small private beach, and it had huge sliding glass doors all along the beach side in the living room and master bedroom that opened onto a small pool area surrounded by an extravagant deck. It was gorgeous and expensive, and once again, I questioned what the hell I was even doing with a man like this and in a place like this.

I was standing at the glass doors looking out when Michael came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

“What do you think?”

“It’s wonderful. Why aren’t you living here all the time?”

He laughed and nuzzled my ear. “My work is in Ft. Lauderdale so I need to be closer, but I do try to get up here as often as I can. I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it. Thank you for bringing me.”

“Of course,” Michael said. “Make yourself at home, baby. Why don’t we take off these hot clothes and get in the pool?”

“I’ll get my swimsuit.”

“No need for all that,” Michael said, as he slipped his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. I probably broke a few land records getting out of my clothes too, and when I was done, he stepped up close to me and cupped my bare ass before he took my mouth with his. He ground his cock into me, a delicious drag of friction and heat. His hand slid along my ass, palming me. I have to admit I squirmed a little because it felt so good, and it started up a little ache in my balls. He stroked my ass, easing a finger into me and massaging and stretching.

All the while he kept murmuring soft words to me, calling me his baby, his pet and his darling. The words should have made me feel embarrassed and maybe they would later on when I had time to think about them, but just then I liked them. A lot. Nobody had ever given me many endearments before, not ever. Michael was the first. I thought I could learn to love them coming from him. He pulled me over to the sofa and put me on my back. Then he flipped me on my stomach—damn, his strength always surprised me, and he was so bossy. I spread my legs, knowing what was coming. Or I thought I knew. I was shivering some—not because I was cold, but in anticipation and because I wanted him so much, and I wanted this to be good, here in his beautiful beach house for the first time. It was already a little like a dream.

He scrambled up to go search through a drawer in the end table, and I wondered how many men he’d brought here before me. But then I felt Michael’s finger gently breach me, slippery with some kind of lube or oil. And I heard the crinkle of paper as he smoothed on a condom. And I stopped wondering and trying to make a problem for myself. We both had a life before we met, and I needed to just get over it.

Michael was breathing raggedly by this time. His slick fingers danced down my crease and massaged into me again. “Spread yourself for me,” he murmured, and I blushed like hell, but I reached behind myself and grabbed my hips, doing as he’d asked. “I’ll go slow, but I need you to push out a little. That’s it.”

The pressure began to ease for a moment and then a second finger joined the first. I felt the head of his cock, bumping against my hole. He nudged it inside, stretching me way more than his fingers had. I clamped my mouth shut though, because I didn’t want him to stop and gradually, I felt my muscles finally relaxing. I did as he said and pushed out and then he was sliding inside me. It was always so good with Michael. My body was still adjusting around him, but he stroked in a few times and found my prostate again and I arched against him and thought I could come from this without even a touch to my cock.

“You feel so good around me. Such a sweet little ass. This little ass belongs to me. Say you’re mine, baby.”


He moaned and pulled me possessively closer.

My cock stiffened at the dirty talk. The burn was finally easing away a little more and I felt stuffed and full. He rocked against me over and over, and I was surprised at how excited it made me. I’m pretty sure there was a little begging involved on my part, and I pushed my ass back against him, asking for more. My head fell back on his shoulder as he leaned over me. He kept up a steady rhythm, pounding into me.

He eased his hand under me to caress my cock and just that much touch made me come. He joined me a minute or so later, and like every time with Michael, it was so good, I had to wonder how long this happiness could last. I wasn’t used to it, and so I kept doubting it. I knew it was a bad habit, but it seemed I had a lot of those.

We went out to swim in the pool afterward and spent most of the day naked on his deck. He had fencing and shrubbery all down the back sides of his yard, and his beach was private, so I didn’t feel self-conscious at all. Okay, that was a lie—I always felt self-conscious, but I got over it. Michael spread sunscreen over my chest and shoulders, then made me lie down so he could spread some on the lower half of my body—which led to more love-making. All in all, it was a really good day. One of the best I ever had.

Chapter Ten


It was the next week when I called Cruz into my office and asked him to wear a collar for me. Not like a “this is getting really serious between us” collar. At least I didn’t think so. Not yet, anyway. I told him it was a training collar, but it was really more of a “I hate the way the other Doms hit on you,” kind of thing. And I found that I really wanted to claim him in some significant way.

Another reason was that I wanted him living with me. That apartment he lived in was awful. The incidence of fire and fire-related deaths in apartment buildings rose every year. Most resulted from unattended cooking, or smoking, but there was also arson, electrical fires—the causes didn’t really change much from year to year. Multi-family dwellings were at risk and the toll these fires took in lives and people’s possessions was incredibly high. As a business owner, I knew about fire codes, and when I first saw the apartment building Cruz lived in my stomach had clenched. A wood frame building, run-down and low-income and almost every balcony that I could see had been sporting a grill. And he was on the third floor, harder to get out of, with only one set of stairs down. If that way became blocked by flames, the residents had no other choice but to jump.

I hated the idea of him living there.

When I called him to my office and told him about the collar though, he’d said, “You want to put a collar on me? I’m not a damn dog. I know that’s what Doms do to their submissives, but I don’t like the idea of that.”

“If you’re going to be a submissive, you need some training, Cruz.”

“Why? Can’t you just tell me what you want me to do or how you want me to act? I’m pretty smart—I can keep up.”

He was mouthing off a lot these days, and sometimes my hands itched to teach him some manners. But I wouldn’t—he’d told me over and over that he hated pain, and I took him at his word. But he kept pushing. It was like he wanted me to lose control and get angry with him. I thought he was insecure. He wanted to see if he could push me so hard I’d call things off, just to take away the suspense of when the other shoe might drop. But there was no way I’d ever let him go. I was in this thing for better or worse, and I hoped he was too.

“I don’t like the idea of these other guys flirting with you and touching you, okay? Not without permission. I know these guys, and they’ll do whatever you let them get away with. That’s why I think the collar is a good idea. It lets them know you’re off the market and you consider yourself to be in a relationship.”