She sighed. “Yeah, but they were so happy to have another alpha in the family.”
Melina blinked. “Oh. Even Halia?”
“Yeah. I am guessing they see my father in me, even though my face is a dead ringer for Halia’s.”
Melina nodded. “Yes. She is a lovely woman. I meet with her for some of the island committee events. We have a women’s auxiliary.”
“Well, my grandfather is not impressed that I ended up a beta.”
Pika frowned. “You are kidding.”
Drake shook his head. “He completely ignored her. I thought it could be a female thing, but it was definitely the beta issue.”
Melina cocked her head. “How was Iolana?”
Drake looked thoughtful. “I think she was excited to have a niece, though it took a bit to get her to use Nina’s name. So, as we left, I blasted them with everything that she had done for me and what she has had done to her, and she still doesn’t hate alphas, though she had reason to.”
Pika looked surprised. “Why is that?”
Nina smiled. “I have heard this part of the story. Is it okay if I go for a walk?”
Kimo nodded. “I will show you the vineyard and the processing areas.”
She set her juice down and got up, taking his hand. They walked outside, and he showed her the vines and the grapes, and when they were out of view of the house, he picked her up and said, “Is this better?”
He wrapped his arms around her, and she looped her arms around his neck. “They seem very nice and rather huggy.”
They slowly kissed until the footfalls of someone approaching pulled them apart. Pika was there and was frowning.
Nina muttered, “Uh-oh.”
Pika asked, “May I see the mark scars?”
Nina looked at Kimo, and he nodded. “It’s okay.”
He slowly set her down, and his father approached. Nina threaded her hands in her hair and pulled them away from the very high scarring on her scalp.
Pika touched the marks and said, “I can heal that if you like. I can remove the scarring.”
“Um, sure.”
She was going to ask when, but he slid his hands into her hair, and a slow wave of ice and heat washed over her. She started shaking, but Kimo stayed in front of her, holding her and being a wall of warmth. The treatment didn’t hurt, but she felt time had passed when the cold and heat faded to a mild warmth, and Pika pulled his hands back. She released her hair and looked at him. The concern on his face was unmistakable.
“He nearly killed you, Nerina.”
She nodded. “Yup. I was there.”
Pika scowled. “You must have been terrified.”
“I was angry. I was so very angry. The police got there before I could kill him.” She blinked as it came out of her mouth.
Kimo hugged her. “There is still time.”
She glanced up at him. “He gets out in eighteen months.”
“Don’t worry about him,” Kimo murmured.
“Wait, how did you know about the bite? Kimo’s the only one I told.”