Sadie squinted against the afternoon sun as she groped for her phone to stop it from ringing. Finally, she snatched it from the end of the bed, and answered it with a hoarse voice. “What? I can’t take a shift tonight.”
Carrie laughed on the other line. “Girl, you’re tired. I told you to stop taking night shifts for people. Nurses need to do the work they signed up for.”
“For once, I couldn’t work my own shift, so I traded.”
“Why?” her friend asked. “Oh, right, that happened last night. Why didn’t you call and tell me everything?”
She landed back on her pillow and massaged her temples. Her eyes stung from lack of sleep. “I didn’t want to call too late. You and Frank go to bed early.”
“So, how did it go? Did you kiss him yet?”
“What? No, it was only our first date.” Date? The word sounded wrong coming out of her mouth. “Meeting,” she corrected. “Plus, we’re not doing this for real. He was very official about everything. He didn’t remember me, as expected, and I went home slightly disappointed.”
“Is he willing to go on vacation with you?”
Sadie gave an exasperated sigh. “Not yet. He wants me to meet his family tonight for dinner to see if we have good chemistry.”
“Ooo, girl. He sounds like a winner. What are you going to wear?”
Sadie gazed at her closet. He hadn’t seemed too impressed with what she’d worn last night. “Clothes. I don’t know. Nothing special. They should accept me for who I am.”
Carrie’s laughter was so loud that Sadie had to hold the phone away from her ear. “Look, it’s not that difficult. Tonight, you’re an actor and you’re there to convince them you two are together.”
A beep sounded on Sadie’s phone, and she held it out to see an unfamiliar number. She checked the time. Five minutes after noon. At least Andy’s secretary was punctual. “I gotta go. His secretary is calling to give me details for tonight.”
“Yay! Have tons of fun. And don’t wear your overalls to dinner.”
Sadie snorted and answered the incoming call. “This is Sadie,” she said brightly.
“Sadie, this is Tanner, Andy’s assistant.”
Her face flushed with heat. So, he had a personal assistant. Since he hadn’t mention anything about his work, it was possible he’d done well for himself.
“So, what are the details for tonight?” she asked.
“Ah, right,” Tanner said, clearing his throat. “Down to business. I like that. Andy asked me to pick you up for tonight’s dinner. We have something to do before then, so I’ll come in about thirty minutes with a car.”
Thirty minutes? She rose to her feet and started dashing around her room to find something suitable to wear. “Too soon. I’ve been sleeping all day since I worked a night shift. There’s no way I can get ready that fast. And why so early?”
“It works better for us. I’ll explain everything when I’m there, but for now, put on some comfortable clothes and text me your address.”
Tanner hung up before she could protest. In one phone call, Andy had taken back all the chips. If she backed out now, she’d be alone in Florida. She groaned and texted Tanner her address.
Even if there wasn’t time, she needed to do something to help wake herself up. She took a quick rinse-off shower, wrapped up in a towel, and stared at her closet. Not much to see, and she’d worn her nicest overall skirt the night before. She sighed and put on a flowery blouse and another trusty pair of overalls. Even though Sadie had two brand new outfits, she wanted to save them for Florida.
A few minutes later, she slipped on a pair of sandals, grabbed a purse, and threw open the door. A guy wearing a suit and tie and holding a briefcase stood in the doorway. If it weren’t for his boyish grin, she would’ve thought he was an FBI agent coming to arrest her.
“Sadie?” he asked hesitantly.
She smiled brightly. “You must be Tanner.”
“Andy was right. You make overalls look good.”
She blushed. Andy had talked about her? She shook her head. No, this was all a game. “Thanks. I’m not too casual?”
“Not at all.” He nodded and gestured toward the door. “Can we go back inside for a minute? There’s something we need to take care of first.”