Page 64 of Something Blue

He stared at her open-mouthed. What had she said?

“You’re busy, and Tanner made me promise that you’d leave on time. We can talk later.”

Just as he gained the ability to speak, she ran in the direction she’d come from.

He called after her, but she didn’t look back. With another sigh, he turned back and jumped into his taxi.

On the way to the airport, he called Tanner. “You told Sadie where I work?”

“Yep, and she wasn’t as shocked as you’d imagine,” Tanner said. “I guess you saw her then.”

His heart skipped a beat. “Yes. She told me she loves me.”

“What? That’s incredible! Are you still leaving then?”

Andy tapped the glass of the car window. “Do you think we could get in touch with the head of the business convention? I think I’m going to have to cancel.”

Another call buzzed in. It was the exact guy he needed to talk to.

“Never mind, I’ll take care of it,” he said, hanging up the call and answering the other one.

“Hey, Mr. Forrech. Just the man I need to talk to.”

The man’s loud voice sounded in Andy’s ears. “Hey, Andy. I’m so glad to catch you. Your classes are booked to the max. I was calling to ask if we could add another three to accommodate everyone.”

Andy leaned his head against the window. This would not be good for his reputation if he canceled. “Sure. Add them in.”

Mr. Forrech thanked him loudly, then hung up the phone.

After another minute, he called Sadie. If he couldn’t see her right now, at least he could tell her he’d come visit her as soon as he could.

After four rings, he was sent to her voicemail. He left a quick message explaining his need to be at the conference, then promised to visit her as soon as he returned.

After the cab pulled up to the airport drop-off, he paid the fee and headed further and further away from Sadie. He could only hope she’d be in one piece by the time he returned.

* * *

His phone buzzed with a call from his dad as soon as he got off the plane.

“Why did you leave the conference, son? The president called and said you left early.”

The business trip was supposed to last three full days, but Andy had changed his classes around, taught them all on the first day, and headed back to Vegas.

“I was doing as you suggested, Dad. I put my family first.”

“You did this for Sadie?”

“Yep, and now that I’m officially CEO, I can tell you the truth.” As Andy walked from the jetway, through the airport, and out to the parking garage where Tanner had left a car, he proceeded to tell his dad how things had changed in Florida, how he’d meant every word when he’d proposed to Sadie, and now he’d left the conference early to tell her exactly that.

“Son, I’m proud of you,” his dad said after Andy’s long spiel. “You finally see what’s important in life. You’ll have to be a good delegator and make sure your head doesn’t get too big when you see that first paycheck.”

He laughed and thanked his dad.

“Go get her, Andy.”

Andy smiled as he hung up the phone. He would go get her!

After finding his car in the parking garage, he headed for Sadie’s house, not even stopping to eat breakfast. All he could think about was her.