She pouted. “Extreme movement. I’m going to change. Wear a swimsuit, but bring a shirt to cover up.”
A few minutes later, they headed to the timeshare’s front office. Andy decided to keep physical touch to a minimum until he knew how she felt. His feelings for her were growing, and the last thing he needed was a broken heart. Liking someone was riskier business than a six-figure deal.
They filled their plates with biscuits and gravy, muffins, and bagels. Sadie laughed as she studied their plates. “We might have to fit in a few workouts.”
“You may be right.”
They joined a table of Rester Club members, a group of families who owned timeshares the same week. Sadie had tried to explain the club to him, but all he could remember was the families had a competition of who could rest the most during the week, and Sadie always lost.
“You two look so cute,” Nancy said, sitting next to Sadie. “Mind if I sit with y’all?”
“Not at all,” Andy said.
A few more members from the club joined their table, and the stories about Sadie began. Most of them involved Sadie’s mother as well, and when she started looking weepy, he literally had to hold his hands together to keep himself from comforting her. Instead, he shot her looks of sympathy and kept his comments to a minimum, soaking in the story of her life.
When it was time to leave, Sadie apologized for dominating the conversation. “They’ve always been like that. Second mothers and adopted grandparents.”
He shoved his hands into his swim-short pockets. “It was fun. I’ve really liked the people I’ve met so far. Must’ve been nice to grow up with this type of family.”
She headed toward the beach. “It was. I feel so lucky.”
“What should we do today?”
She gave him a sly smile. “Beach, pool, repeat.”
He nodded. “Sounds good.”
For the next few hours, they alternated between the pool and the beach, only taking a short break inside to eat hotdogs and nacho chips at the tables by the pool. They splashed in the water, laughing and talking about whatever popped into their heads. It was another perfect day, and Andy buried any worries in the sand and surf.
Luckily, Chase and Piper moved their chairs away from them at the beach and only waved in passing.
It was only when they were heading back to the room that an idea popped into his head. “Do you want to go on a date? Just the two of us?”
“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing all day?”
He chuckled. “Maybe, but I want something more . . . official.”
Before she could answer, Chase crossed in front of them. “Hey, Sadie, I was hoping the two of us could talk.”
Andy gritted his teeth and looked expectantly at Sadie. She looked shaken up. “Uh, I was—”
“It won’t take that long,” he said, meeting Andy’s eyes. “I’ll return her to you in no time.”
Andy tried to keep his voice level. “Do you want to go with him?”
She nodded, but he wasn’t convinced.
“Are you sure?”
Sadie laughed and stepped away from him and toward Chase. “Of course. I’ll meet you in the room. Go ahead and shower first. I’ll be back before you get out.”
Andy tried not to think about it as he got ready for the evening. By the time he’d showered, she still wasn’t back. He paced the room religiously, turning at the kitchen tile and heading back to the front door. What was so important that Chase had to talk to her right that minute? He imagined them talking, touching, even kissing. He fisted his hands by his side as he passed the kitchen for the seventh time.
Ten minutes should be enough time to talk. Suddenly, he wanted to be in the area in case she needed him. Before he could overthink it, he ran for the door. Even after all his pacing, a new burst of energy rushed through him as he sprinted down the hallway, past the pool, and toward the boardwalk without any success. A few faces were familiar, but the only one he wanted to see was Sadie’s.
Sweat dripped down his back, and he silently cursed as he ran around the resort like a crazy man. He dashed inside the reception area, the ice room, and finally, the game room. Another dead end. He was about to turn around and search the beach when a female voice called out to him.
“You’re here?”