Page 65 of Something New

“Finn, honey.” Ava opened her arms and ran straight for him.

His face brightened, and he received her into his embrace. Dean caught Emilie watching and quickly joined her around the corner. In that moment, they were thinking the same thing. What a couple of wackos.

Right after Dean positioned himself behind her, Ava’s voice sounded in Emilie’s ears, crystal clear. “Finn, I’ll marry you no matter how poor we are.”

Dean and Emilie exchanged looks. Couldn’t Finn hear the sugary sweet fakeness in her voice? She rested against the wall, no longer wanting to watch. There was a slight chance Ava was being honest, but Emilie had more suspicion than assurance. She wondered how long she’d stood next to her and how much of Finn and Dean’s conversation she’d heard.

Emilie watched as Finn guided Ava back to the hallway where she and Dean were eavesdropping. They hurried around a corner in time to see Finn and Ava walk by, holding each other as if their lives depended on it. After they passed, Emilie released a breath. “That was close.”

Dean appraised her. Heat filled her cheeks while he took in her tracksuit. Why hadn’t she changed? “Casual day at the hotel?”

She slapped his arm and pulled him in the direction of their room. “Let’s go before someone catches us spying.” She slipped her hand in his. “I didn’t think you’d be back this soon.”

He winked and a sly smile slipped on his face. “Started early and got a full day in. I missed you like crazy and couldn’t stand the thought of you being alone tonight.”

The heat in her cheeks increased. “Would you believe me if I said you didn’t miss much?”

He swung their hands back and forth while they walked to their room. “I’m guessing the conversation we overheard was the most exciting part of the day.”

She nodded and unlocked the door. “Right-o. We’ll just have to wait and see how tomorrow shapes up. Finn’s mom is not going to be happy.”



The next morning, Dean opened his eyes slowly. He glanced across the room to where Emilie slept in the bed. It had taken every ounce of self-control to leave her in the bed alone after a completely perfect night, full of good food, long chats, and cuddling.

She stirred then stared up at him with wide eyes.

He kissed her forehead. “What? You think I’ve never smelled your morning breath before?” He pulled her hand down and kissed her lips. “I could do this every day, you know.”

She pulled away and ran for the bathroom. “I’m going to get ready.”

While Emilie was in the bathroom, he ran over to his luggage and pulled out the black box he’d hidden in his tux. There might not be a better moment than this morning. He climbed back in bed and rested against the bed’s headboard. His heart raced as he pulled out the ring and spun it in his hands. It was a common ring by worldly standards, but the thin gold band and single diamond had a simple beauty.

The bathroom door swung open, and he scrambled to hide the ring and box under the covers. She glanced at him through the steam filtering out of the bathroom.

“Everything okay? You look like you were caught stealing.”

He shrugged and secretly shoved the ring into the box and pushed it into his pajama pocket. It wasn’t time yet. He rubbed at his tired eyes and went through the motions of getting ready for the wedding.

While Emilie dressed, he retreated to the other side of the room and hid the ring box back in his tux pocket. He showered and dressed, feeling the weight of the small box in his pants as he shaved and knotted his tie.

When he finished, he looked in the mirror. It had been a good move to rent the tux. He wore a white shirt and black-and-gray-striped tie that even he had to admit looked sharp. He shined his shoes since they were a bit dusty and started gathering his things.

“Can you help me?” Emilie tapped on his shoulder and stepped in front of him. Her mauve dress brought out the paleness of her skin and the touch of pink in her cheeks. He gulped as she spun around and revealed her slender back. “Will you zip me up, please?”

“Sure.” He fumbled with the zipper, keeping his eyes averted to anywhere other than her soft skin. To think this would be just one of many times he’d be zipping her dress was exhilarating. His heart soared. He led her to the couch and sat down, his knee turned toward her.

She grinned at him. “Everything okay? You’re serious all of a sudden.”

Panic flashed through him. Was it too early to make a decision that would affect them for the rest of their lives? He pulled her into his arms and found comfort in her embrace.

He slipped his free hand into his pocket and held the box tightly. “The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. I’ve gotten anxious and angry and elated and depressed. But I’ve also never been so happy.”

She bit her lip, bringing more attention to her mouth. He shook his head, pushing away thoughts of kissing her. There’d be time for that later.

He pulled the box out and presented it to her. His eyes shifted from the box back to her face, waiting for a sign he was on the right track. “Emilie, you’re someone I’ve loved for a long time, and I don’t want you to slip away from me ever again.” He opened the box and showed the ring.