Page 63 of Something New

She stood and buried her face in his chest, breathing in his scent once more. She lifted her head just as his lips lowered to hers. The next few minutes were heaven as she melted against him. After a breathless last kiss, he stood and turned to the door.

“Another reason I’m not staying. We should probably have some guidelines. Now that we’re dating, I want to make sure we don’t rush things.”

She laughed nervously and touched her hot cheeks. “Maybe so.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I’m leaving. I’ll text you when I get home.”

She sighed and lingered by the door after it closed. Ava would indeed need her help the next two days. Emilie wasn’t sure what advice to give, but she’d try.

She reached for her phone and texted Dean.

I miss you already.

Then she dialed Gail’s number to deliver the news.

Gail answered after the first ring.

“Did you and Dean make up?”

Their issue seemed like such a petty thing now. Emilie laughed nervously. “Dean and I are fine. Our little squabble seems like such a petty thing compared to what happened to Finn and Ava.”

The line was quiet for a few seconds. Then Gail blew out a heavy breath into the speaker. “All right. Let’s hear it. What happened?”

Emilie sat on the bed, leaned back, and told her everything. After telling her about the fight on the boat, Gail made a grunting noise. “So what do you want me to do about it?”

Emilie stared at the ceiling. “Nothing, I guess. I just wanted to tell you. You should know what’s going on with your daughter. I hope this wedding works out. If not, she’s going to be all alone with no place to go.”

“She’ll be fine. I need to go, honey.” Her voice broke. “It’s getting late. Be safe.”

Gail hung up before Emilie could say goodbye. Her relationship with Ava was not one she could mend in a couple of weeks.

Emilie stared at the phone and sighed, but it was still disappointing. Emilie would do anything to have an argument with her mom. She put her phone on the nightstand and sighed.

No more talking to anyone tonight. Time to think about something else for a while. She clicked on the TV and zoned out. A few shows later, her phone buzzed with a text and she hurried to read it.

Made it home safe. Sleep well, beautiful.

Warmth filled her cheeks. She read it a half-dozen times before turning off the light. The next day would be full of questions, juicy gossip, and long talks with Ava, but at least she had Dean.

* * *

The next day, Emilie slept late, ordered in breakfast, and avoided leaving her room. The TV kept her entertained, but by dinnertime, she knew she had to do something. She turned on her phone and waited. Within forty-eight seconds, the phone buzzed and kept buzzing till it threatened to fall off the nightstand.

She grabbed it in time, closed one eye, and peeked at it. Eleven messages. One from Dean, ten from Ava. She winced and pulled herself from bed. It was going to be a long day.

After a fast shower, she dressed in comfy clothes. Emilie had a feeling she and Ava wouldn’t leave Ava’s room much. She grabbed her makeup kit and a few snacks from the bar and headed down to Ava’s room.

She knocked softly with no answer. She knocked again. A quiet, mouse-like voice called out.

“Who is it?”

Emilie leaned her head against the door and massaged her temples. “It’s me, Ava. Open the door.” It was a good thing Emilie had decided to come to the wedding. Well, a good and very bad thing. Right then, the drama was neck deep.

A long minute later, Ava cracked the door open.

Emilie jerked away from the door. Ava’s bloodshot eyes and mascara-stained face was too much. “Girl, you look scary.” She lifted her makeup bag. “I’ve got a mask that’ll help your eyes.”

Ava slammed the door, causing Emilie to drop the makeup bag. Blush and lipstick rolled out onto the carpet. She stared at the offending door in shock then gathered her things. “Ava, I was kidding. Open the—”