Page 61 of Something New

Since they were one of the last couples to arrive on the ship, within minutes, the boat started moving and a waitress came to get drink orders. They both ordered fancy lemonade drinks to pair with their dinner.

“Since when did you start liking me?” Emilie asked.

Dean rested his arms against the table. Before he could say a word, the captain of the ship began his tour speech, pointing out famous houses, touristy places to visit, and other landmarks and facts about the cape.

Dean rubbed a thumb across Emilie’s hand. “I guess you’ll have to wait patiently for my answer.”

While drinks were served and dinner was ordered, he kept the conversation light and easy. All the while, his mind spun with how to answer her question. When hadn’t he liked her? They’d been friends for so long he couldn’t pinpoint when exactly his feelings for her changed.

When dinner was brought to them, the smells of the salmon and lemon, grilled asparagus, and freshly baked rolls awoke his senses, and he dug in. Then a memory hit him.

He snapped his fingers, causing Emilie to drop her fork. “What is it?”

“I remembered.” He gave her a sly smile. “It took a hot minute to pinpoint exactly when being friends wasn’t enough for me. But now I remember.”

She picked up her fork and played with the vegetables on her plate. “And what did you remember?”

He lifted her chin. “It was one time Dad let me borrow his boat, the fancy one.”

Her eyes misted over as she mumbled the words again. “Fancy boat. You mean the day we forgot Ava in the water? She was so mad when we figured it out and went back to rescue her.”

The look on Ava’s face had been priceless. “You and I sat on the boat and talked while everyone else swam. That’s when there was an obvious shift in how I felt.”

Her eyes glowed in the fading light. “You should’ve said something. I’ve always held back from liking you too much, not wanting to mess up our friendship.” His mouth dropped, and she laughed loudly. “Remember the sunburn we got that day? Mom applied aloe on your shoulders for a whole week.”

He nodded and touched his shoulder subconsciously. “She always took care of me when my parents were too busy.”

Music started playing. Couples paired off and moved to the dance floor. His heart pounded. He held out a shaky hand. “Ready to dance?”

She stood and took his hand. “Yes. Thought you’d never ask.”

The light touch of her fingers sent tingles up his arm. They entered the dance area, dodging other couples. When they found a private spot in the back, he pulled her close, relishing her fruity scent. She hooked her arms behind his neck and placed her cheek next to his.

She sighed while they swayed in time to the music. “We should’ve done this sooner.”

“Totally agree. Glad the timing was right this time.” Dean cleared his throat, preparing for a bigger confession. “I also loved watching you dance.” His heart raced when she pulled away and gazed into his eyes. “When your mom’s health declined, you threw yourself into dancing. It was as if by doing so, you felt you could heal her.” He stroked her cheek. “Your mom loved watching you dance.”

She closed her eyes and pressed her nose against his cheek. “I really miss her.”

He kissed her forehead softly. “You need someone who’ll be your constant. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to be that person. I’ll never leave you, and I’ll never waver.” He paused and swallowed the panic rising in his chest.

Emilie blinked a few times while she processed his words. “This… Everything has happened so fast.”

He shifted his weight as he studied her. “I know it’s the first time you’ve thought of me in this way, so there’s no rush. I’m happy to stay by your side while you figure it out.”

Emilie stared back at him. Did she believe his words? When she continued to stare at him, he couldn’t take it anymore. He lifted one hand to her face and cradled it gently. Then he closed the final gap and pressed his lips against hers.

She ran a hand through his hair, urging him closer.

He responded eagerly, tightening his embrace. It was as if they were the only two on the boat. All other sounds dissolved in his ears.

After a few breathless seconds, she backed away a few inches, her cheeks pink with a beautiful flush.

He smiled wider than he had since the day she’d moved home. “It’s a dream come true to be with you for real.”

She leaned forward, close enough that her lashes brushed his cheek, sending another thrill through him. “Wow! I don’t know what to say. Everything feels like it’s falling into place like it should’ve all along.”

He kissed her again, relishing the lemony taste of her mouth.