Page 52 of Something New

He held Emilie’s hand tighter while the elevator traveled to the top floor where the fancy dining area was.

He held up their entwined fingers. “What does this mean?”

She looked at their hands, joined together. “It means we are giving us a try.”

Dean couldn’t have hoped for a better answer. He grabbed the edge of the elevator railing with his free hand, which meant his other hand was held by the woman he loved. He pulled her into a tight embrace. “You can’t imagine how long I’ve wanted this.”

She glanced at him with her beautiful green eyes. “It’s been a long time coming, and I think we’ve waited enough.” She pressed her nose to his cheek, sending exploding fireworks down his jaw all the way to his feet. He lifted her chin and kissed her. Warmth and tingles erupted. She was finally his. Her lips moved eagerly against his, soft and willing. He cradled her face and deepened the kiss, enjoying every sensation.

The elevator dinged open, but they never broke their embrace. Someone coughed in front of them. Emilie pushed back, a shy smile on her face as an older couple waited to go into the elevator. They hurried out, laughing and skipping down the hall to the banquet room. It was worth every second of hesitation.

They walked into the banquet room, holding hands. No one knew any different, but in his life, everything was changing. The banquet hall was decked out with lavish decorations, none of which he cared about. He steered her away from the main table, opting for privacy.

They’d arrived early and while they waited for things to start, Dean pulled her to the windows overlooking the water. He moved her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned against him, sweetening the moment. His heart swelled with joy. In a moment of weakness, he lowered and rested his chin on top of her head, slowly inhaling her scent. Citrus shampoos, fruity perfume, coconut lotion. Everything he loved.

“It’s a beautiful night.”

The view? He chuckled and leaned forward to whisper. “I hadn’t noticed.”

She turned, bringing her face inches from his.

“You’re the only one I see.” He was tempted to kiss her earlobe but backed up so he could read her expression.

A sparkle danced in her eyes.

He understood what it meant to live and breathe for only one person. He hugged her tightly, savoring each passing second while fire ignited in his chest and spread out, warming his whole body.

In one fluid motion, her hand trailed up his back. He shuddered when it stopped and lightly gripped the back of his neck. Was she aware what she did to him? How her actions spurred him on?

“Whoa, who’s getting married this weekend? Us or you two?”

Emilie and Dean startled at the sound of Finn’s voice. He and Ava were standing together, arms wrapped around each other. Of all the rotten luck… Finn’s timing… Dean owed him a punch in the gut.

“Is it time to start?” Dean asked.

Finn dropped his arm around Ava and patted his stomach. “Worked up an appetite after you left. Joined another group, and they beat the tar out of me.”

Dean smiled. Now that he had Emilie, he didn’t have a care in the world. Even Finn’s goofy face made him smile. “I’m surprised someone could beat you.”

Finn slapped Dean on the back. “Yeah, they gave me a run for my money, but I got them on the last hole.”

Dean nodded. “Glad to hear it.”

“You look nice tonight.” Emilie lifted the lacy sleeve of Ava’s white sundress.

“You too,” Ava said. “That sailor dress looks good on you. So cute! By the way, I hope you two had a good talk this afternoon.”

Emilie shifted in his arms and held him tighter. “We talked.”

Dean chewed on his lip. He searched Ava’s face but her eyes were unreadable. Ava wouldn’t say anything if she wanted her marriage to Finn to happen. Pulling Emilie tighter against him, he kissed the back of her head, smelling her sweet perfume and blocking Ava from his mind.

“She does look great.” Dean waved and steered Emilie to a chair, far away from Ava.

Emilie gave his knee a playful slap. “You could’ve told her I knew the truth, and it was no big deal.”

Dean took her hand and rubbed his thumb across her palm. “Our relationship is none of her business.” Thrills coursed through his fingers at the intimate contact. If this was all they did tonight, he’d fall asleep the happiest man on the planet.

She pointed out some of the décor, the twinkly lights, and little angel statues set throughout the room. The lights were dim enough to set a mood but not dim enough to take the sparkle out of Emilie’s eyes.