Page 51 of Something New

Emilie turned away from him and applied some eyeshadow. “You two were arguing on the golf cart. What was that about?”

“That was about something I said to Finn.”

Emilie’s attention piqued. The story was getting more and more warped. “What did you say to Finn?”

Dean’s face twisted with worry. “Nothing to concern yourself about. I was just defending you after Finn said something.”

“Defending me?” Emilie dropped the eyeshadow brush to the counter. “What did Finn say about me?”

Dean sighed. “I’m going to kill Ava.” He sat down on the plush chair next to the makeup counter. “I’ve wanted to tell you, but it’s never the right time. We’re either fighting or making up. I don’t want what I tell you to ruin what we experienced earlier. Let’s talk about it after I shower.”

Emilie bit her lip. It was more serious than she could’ve imagined. His tortured features struck fear in her heart. Maybe she didn’t want to know.

Emilie stopped applying her makeup and played with her phone. No game in the world would satisfy her curiosity, but she didn’t need to wait long.

The bathroom door swung open, letting out steam and an even steamier man. She twirled around when she saw his ripped, very bare chest. She tried speaking. “O-Oh. Okay, you’re out. Tell me what you and Finn talked about.”

Even though she wasn’t looking, she felt him walk by her, smelled the aftershave and shampoo he used. She shook her head. Focus.

“Finn and I talked about the past, and I got mad at him for treating you the way he did. I told him he was an idiot for trusting Ava.”

“I’m getting dressed, just to let you know.” She heard his towel drop to the floor. Emilie closed her eyes and counted two minutes in her head before opening them again. She caught his reflection in the mirror. Pants were on but he was still shirtless. Oh, goodness. She swallowed hard at the small peek of his skin. Desire lit in her belly.

She forced the next words out. “And what did he say?”

He slipped on a blue button-up shirt that would match his eyes perfectly. She tried not to glance over while he buttoned it but failed. “Finn didn’t say much. I’m sure I gave him a lot to think about.”

Emilie forced herself to study her reflection. She laughed, though it wasn’t funny at all. The wounds from Finn abandoning her in her greatest time of need reopened, igniting pain, sorrow, and anger. For such a nice person, he was a moronic blockhead when it came to compassion.

“And that’s really it?” she asked. “There are no other secrets?”

A long silence passed while he stared back at her in the reflection. He shook his head and winked. “There’s nothing else you need to know.” His voice was softer than before, filling her with reassurance.

Her heart lifted. Good thing she hadn’t attacked him at first sight. Of course Ava hadn’t told her the whole truth.

Dean added a sports jacket to his outfit. It made him extra handsome.

Dean… She leaned toward the mirror to create a smoky eye and caught Dean watching. Her heart fluttered. She wanted to be extra hot, so she put on a pretty gloss that tinged her lips red. It was enough to elevate her look and draw Dean’s attention to her mouth.

When she came around the corner, he sat on the couch, studying the wall. “How can you do that? One minute you’re cute and doll-like, and the next you’re sexy and drop-dead gorgeous.”

A thrill of excitement coursed through her. Since all the misunderstandings were cleared, she could focus on dating him. The nervous butterflies returned as he appreciated her with his eyes.

“It just takes practice. Lots of practice.”

“Let’s go join the happy wedding party.”

Emilie laughed and grabbed for his hand to pull him up. He continued to hold it once they left the room, and she didn’t want to let go, either. It was time to discover what it was like to be Dean’s significant other.



Cloud nine. There was no other way to describe it. Dean would’ve floated to the elevator had it not been for Emilie’s hand anchoring him.

Guilt tugged at him, though. He’d omitted the truth Emilie sought. There really wasn’t anything else she needed to know, but… maybe he should’ve shared it with her. Then again, he didn’t ask about men she’d dated before returning home. However, Ava used to be her best friend.

Crud. All he wanted was to focus on the moment with Emilie. To enjoy her presence.