Page 23 of Something New

Dean sighed. It was just as he expected. No one deserved to get in the middle of their family drama, but especially not Emilie.

“I want Mom to be involved in my wedding.” Ava’s voice rose in pitch as she continued. “How’s it going to look when my own mother doesn’t show up? I mean, wouldn’t you want your mom at yours?”

Hot blood shot through Dean’s body. What right did she have to bring up Emilie’s mom? “If her mom was around, she’d still be talking to her and would’ve known about the wedding the night I proposed.”

The smile on Ava’s face never wavered. “Maybe we should let Emilie decide.” Then turning to Emilie, she laughed. “Boys! What do they know? Who’s closer to Mom than you?”

Dean was glad to hear some hesitation in Emilie’s voice. “It’s true. I could talk to her for you. Not sure what she’ll say, but I can try. That won’t take much time.”

Dean slapped his forehead and sighed. He tried to meet Emilie’s eyes, but she was transfixed on Ava.

Ava clapped her hands and jumped to her feet. She ran to Emilie and hugged her. Dean’s stomach churned.

How could Emilie be so blind? Maybe he could talk some sense into her after Ava and Finn left.

After hugging, Ava stepped back and grabbed Emilie’s hands. “Thank you. This means so much to me. I’m having my final fitting this upcoming week, and I was really hoping you could bring her with you.”

A sinking feeling settled in the pit of Dean’s stomach. One hidden agenda after another. Ava was setting her up to fail. What if Emilie let her down? Would Ava spread another batch of angry rumors?

He stood and moved in front of Emilie. “What if she doesn’t want to? Are you going to turn on her like you did in high school?”

Emilie grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “Honey...” She drew out the word dramatically. “It’s all right. I’m okay with reuniting them. Gail probably misses Ava, too.”

Dean shifted his weight from foot to foot. Normally, he would’ve loved Emilie calling him honey, but he was too bothered. Didn’t Emilie remember the horrible things Ava said about her in high school?

If they became friends again, Ava was sure to spill the beans about them dating. The thought sucker punched him in the stomach, and he took a step away from the group. Was this really what he was concerned about? Or was he worried about her? Was he in the wrong here?

Ava gave a testy sigh and picked at her manicured nails. “If Mom doesn’t want to come to the dress fitting, that’s fine. As long as she comes to the wedding, I’ll be happy.”

“No promises, but I’ll do my best.” Emilie’s voice was wary.

After taking a sip from his drink, Finn joined them. “We’re going on a whale watch next weekend and we want you two to come along.”

“As long as you can make sure Dean stays on his best behavior.” Ava pushed his shoulder playfully.

Dean wanted to slug her back and not too softly either.

Emilie gave him a thoughtful look and turned back to Ava. “Dean’s always on his best behavior. If you want me there, he is my plus one.”

Finn cleared his throat and slipped an arm around Ava’s waist. “We’d love both of you there. Ava, we should get going now.”

Ava looked at her watch. “Oh, you’re right. We’re taste testing the cake.” Ava pulled something out of her purse and handed it to Emilie. “Here’s the card for the wedding dress shop. Bring Mom and meet me there Thursday at one o’clock. Maybe we can find a dress for you, too.”

“Wh— Wait! I’ll be bus—” Emilie’s answer fell on deaf ears as Ava and Finn walked out of the diner.

There were a hundred things he wanted to say to Emilie, but before he could start, she pushed past him and returned to her seat.

The bell on the diner clanged, indicating their exit. It took Emilie three seconds for her mood to flip. “I’m ready to leave. You might’ve thought you were helping, but you weren’t.”

He frowned at her insensitive words. Couldn’t she see how toxic Ava was? Why didn’t Emilie understand? “Let me at least drive you home.”

Her attention was outside, where Finn was helping Ava into the car outside the diner. As they drove off, she spoke through gritted teeth. “I was trying to find closure, not defend myself with every answer. She apologized, and though I know it was only half-hearted, it was a start. I can’t get closure if you’re constantly rescuing me.”

She stood and made a beeline for the front door then remembered to pay. “Oh, sorry,” she said to the employee waiting at the register.

“I’ve got it,” he said, catching up to her. While he took out his wallet, she headed for the door. He gave enough cash to the register to cover the meal and tip and hurried outside.

By the time he caught up to Emilie, she was already heading home, her stride quick and long. Gray clouds moved quickly, darkening the sky. He ran after her and grabbed the back of her arms. “All right, all right. It’s about to rain. Let me drive you.”