Page 60 of Something New

“But why her?” Moisture started to gather in her eyes. No! She could not cry about this. Would not! None of this was her fault.

“Honey, Dean was pretty lost when you left after graduation. A complete mess. He visited your mother’s grave almost every day for a year. Ava filled his emotional void.”

Emilie’s throat tightened at the mention of her mother. Had he really visited her mother that much? Why hadn’t he ever told her? Her rock-solid heart softened. She bit her lip and turned to locate Dean. He waited in line, ever the patient man. She really was lucky to have him. Her heart softened even more, and she hated it. She set her jaw in a firm line and looked away.

Emilie fiddled with a stray hair while she decided what to do. It wasn’t like Dean and Ava had dated yesterday or even last year. She had a sudden suspicion she was making this a bigger issue than it really was. She sighed and headed back to the group. “Gail, I need to go. The boat is boarding for a night cruise, and I need to make up with a certain someone.”

Gail cheered. “Way to go, honey. Go get him.”

She chuckled and said goodbye. Dean saw her coming a hundred feet away. His mouth was set in a hard line, a question in his eyes. She gave him a tentative smile “You really visited Mom almost every day?”

The question in his eyes churned with more confusion. “In the beginning… yes. It was my way of staying close to you.” Dean stepped closer but maintained a safe distance. “Your mom was the closest person to you. And Ava was the second. I figured you two would reunite someday, and she always talked about you. I wanted to be around people who knew you.” His voice wavered. “But she just wasn’t you.”

Emilie’s eyes watered, her anger melting. “Why didn’t you find me and tell me how you felt? You knew where Dad lives.”

Dean laughed. “And see all the new guys you were dating? No thanks.”

Emilie glanced out at the water. If Dean had visited her, he would’ve been a fish out of water. It had taken her a while to feel like herself again. She was either killing herself to study and practice or throwing herself into relationships and backing out before it ever got too serious. She was a mess for a long time after she left this town.

He stepped closer. “I should’ve told you. For breaking your trust, I’m really sorry.”

Emilie opened her arms to invite him in. “I’m still confused and a little angry, but I don’t want to fight about it anymore. Can we forgive each other?”

His eyes brightened, and a smile flickered across his lips. “You don’t have to ask me twice.” She wrapped him in a hug, not caring about anyone around them. Let them see how she felt. It was about time she didn’t care. Emilie buried her face in his chest. When she had the courage to speak, her voice came out as a whisper. “Promise there are no more secrets to tell me?”

Without any hesitation, he nodded. “No, there are no other secrets.”

Emilie checked his eyes to confirm it.

Dean pressed his forehead to hers. “Can I tell you how incredible you look tonight? I’ve been wanting to say it for a while.” The bit of anger she was holding onto slipped even more from her mind.

She hid her face in his chest again, breathing in his cologne. The moment couldn’t have been sweeter. The line started moving, and the two of them moved in sync, at a snail’s pace, enjoying every second. She pointed at Ava and Finn, who were standing at the entrance, across from each other, not even looking at each other. “You think they’re okay? They’re not standing together, and Ava doesn’t look happy.”

Dean rolled his eyes and let go of Emilie’s hand so he could wrap his arm around her waist. “She’s never happy.”

Emilie bit her lip, holding back a laugh. “You would know what she likes, right?”

Dean frowned then saw Emilie’s hint of a smile.

“Too early to joke about it?” she asked.

He bumped her hip with his. “As long as it doesn’t hurt you.”

His expression twisted with worry, but she smoothed out the lines in his face with her hand. Electric pulses raced through her body. Her anger dissolved completely, replaced with a heap of desire. No more avoidance on her end. She was all in.



Dean’s mind whirred as they walked up the plank to board the ship. He grabbed a glass of water a waiter offered them as they entered the dining area of the boat. He slipped Emilie a nausea pill, and she swallowed it with ease.

“Thanks. I really don’t want to ruin tonight.”

To keep Emilie right by his side, he held her hand tightly. His nerves buzzed while they found a place to stand.

He exchanged pleasantries with familiar people while they looked for a place to hide. He didn’t care that it was a larger event than the whale watching boat or that dining tables were set up everywhere. He didn’t care that they brought out the best-smelling salmon or that Finn and Ava seemed to be playing tug of war with their eyes. He didn’t care about anything or anyone but Emilie.

He steered her to a private two-seater booth, far enough away from others that they could have a private conversation but close enough they could see everything going on.