Page 55 of Something New

Emilie propped her arms up behind her and leaned back against the cement pool side. More lies tied to Ava. “There’s plenty we never talked about. She didn’t find about my mom’s sickness until recently.”

“I was one of the few who knew?” His voice softened. When she nodded, his face twisted with anguish. “I’m a real jerk.”

“It’s not your fault. This one was all me. I should’ve let more people in, but I was scared.”

“That’s understandable.” He settled back against the wall, staring ahead. Great. She had made him feel worse. An apology was nice to hear, no matter how late it was, but she hated that it had sunk him deeper into confusion.

“Don’t worry, I’ve put all of that in the past. I appreciate your apology, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Just focus on Ava.”

His face flickered with worry. “I’m not sure about anything anymore.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “What’s going on? Anything you want to talk about?” The sudden realization of her sheer stupidity slammed into her. She immediately retracted her hand. It wasn’t her place. He needed to talk to Ava, not her.

He splashed in the water, making little circles with his hand. “I’m actually glad you’re here. Maybe you can help me figure things out.”

Her blood turned cold. “Why me?”

Finn laughed loudly, making her look around to see who’d caught their interaction. She slipped out of the pool and sat on the edge with her legs dangling in the water. More distance between them was better. She didn’t need anybody to misunderstand.

“I thought I knew Ava, but lately, she’s been surprising me at every corner. When we first started dating, I thought she really liked me. We had fun together, and it felt great to have someone who relied on me. She uses me for my money, but I always thought it never came before her feelings for me. Now, I’m not sure.”

Lately? It floored her he was figuring this out after they were engaged. The week of their wedding. There weren’t many positive facts she could share without ruining the image he had of Ava. It was time to practice what Gail preached and have people figure it out on their own. “Not sure I can give you much advice about Ava. It’s been too long, and we only reunited a few weeks ago. Whatever you do, I hope it’s what’s best for you.”

Emilie bit her tongue then swung her legs out of the water and stood. Before she said any more, she was going to get out of there. Finn and Ava’s relationship was deteriorating before her eyes. “I better get going.”

Finn followed her to the towel rack, not missing a beat. Before she could snatch a towel and run, he reached for her arm. “Please tell me Ava is not marrying me for my money.” She turned with wide eyes and met his pleading look. All this time, he’d known. She couldn’t believe it. “Am I making the wrong decision?”

Emilie’s heart pounded so hard she could barely think. Here was her ex-boyfriend, genuine and as nice as ever, somewhat misguided and ignorant, but someone who deserved to be loved. She shook her head, trying to fight away the worry growing in the pit of her stomach. Ava also deserved someone devoted to her.

“Y-yes. I mean, no,” she quickly corrected. “Two people can make it work if they both try. Ava may love money, but I’m sure she loves you more.” Almost sure. Emilie debated telling him she didn’t know, but that would be a lie. She had a hunch. But an outsider’s hunch shouldn’t be the cause of a broken relationship.

Finn blew out a heavy sigh. “Thanks, Emilie, for saying that.”

“No problem.” She grabbed a towel and backed away, stumbling over a potted plant and barely catching her balance in time. “You’ll figure it out.”

Finn righted the plant for her and pointed to the pool. “I’m going to get back to my swim.”

She waved once before he turned around and jumped in the water. Before she made any more mistakes, it was time to leave.



It rained the next day with no signs of stopping. Dean checked in the tiny office at the docks, but his guys had gone home. He thought about hightailing it back to Emilie, but instead donned an orange poncho and went down to the docks to check the boat.

He turned the key and it roared to life. Turds. Seconds later, the engine sputtered and cut off. He tried the key again, but the engine stalled. Time for a routine safety check. Gas in the tank, but the oil was low. Either Ranger had lied and hadn’t checked, or he’d need to give the guys a good talk about oil levels.

He spent the morning changing the oil tank, cleaning the engine and doing routine maintenance, all while being rained on. It eventually quit about noon, but by then, he was done with his work and ready for a shower. Good thing his dad had taught him not only how to fish but how to keep his boats in running order.

He went home and showered, doctored the blisters on his hands then did a few chores around the house. When it was time to head back, he gave Emilie a call.

“It rained out by the docks, so I’ll be coming back a little earlier.”

“Oh, Dean.” Her voice was muffled as she spoke into the phone. “I did something bad.”

He stilled, wanting to catch every word. “Wh-what happened?”

She sniffled before answering. “I saw Finn at the pool last night, and we talked.”