Page 36 of Something New

“You think?”

He chuckled and touched his forehead against hers. “Absolutely.” He leaned into her until the tip of his chin touched her soft face. It was the perfect time. Anxiety and desire wreaked havoc in his body.

Her lips were only inches away. She blinked up at him, giving him a shy smile. That was the sign he was waiting for. He leaned in and moved slowly toward her mouth. Before their lips could touch, she turned her face, leaving nothing but salty air between them. His bravery fell to the pit of his knotting stomach.

“Folks, we’ll be heading back in a few minutes.” The loudspeaker blared in their ears, driving the distance between them even further.

Emilie gave him a sheepish look and focused on seeing the whales one last time.

So close. Dean glared at the intercom speaker, ready to rip it from the wall. Watching the whales was nothing new to a fisherman. All he wanted to do was gaze into Emilie’s eyes again, to be so close to her lips. To tell her the truths in his heart.

But there wasn’t another chance.

The crowd from the dining area fought for space along the railing, wanting one more spotting of the whales before they returned.

He stood a safe distance away and kept his hands shoved tightly into his pant pockets.

He pressed his back against the railing and looked away from the water. The happy bubbly feeling turned to shattering ice inside his chest and melted into a pathetic puddle of regret.

He tapped Emilie’s shoulder. “I’m going to get a coke. Do you want one?”

She lifted the empty can of ginger ale and shook it. “Thanks. That’d be great.”

“Be right back.” His legs couldn’t move fast enough to the starboard side of the boat. A minute away from her to think was what he needed. He ordered the Cokes and sat down to wait.

A familiar person next to him caught his attention. What was Ava doing at the bar alone, a tall glass of something dark in her hands?

She gave him a sour look and lifted her glass. “Good to see you.”

He nodded but didn’t speak. Dean glanced around for Finn, but the barroom was practically empty. For a second, he felt sorry for Ava, who was miserable even at her own party. But then he remembered how horrible she’d been to Emilie earlier at the dress shop.

“You okay?” he finally asked. “Where’s Finn?”

She lifted the glass and smiled, completely drunk. “Who knows? But I deserve a break, don’t I? I mean, I take enough from him.”

He shouldn’t be there. He hurried to take his drinks away, but she continued to slosh her way through more conversation. “Why doesn’t he ever say no? Everything I want, I’ve got it.” Ava’s smile melted on her face, replaced with an uneasiness. “You! If you tell anybody about this…”

Wow! She had some nerve. He lifted the drinks and nodded to the barkeep. “I have my hands full. Good luck to you.”

Dean headed back to where he’d left Emilie. He checked and double-checked the area, but Emilie wasn’t there. His insides turned as he searched along the railings. No one was sick.

He ran the entire length of the ship with no luck. Right when he was about to give up, he found her next to the glass-bottomed floor. And she wasn’t alone. In fact, she was sitting knee to knee with Finn.

His heart panged painfully. The look in her eyes was the exact one he’d been wanting to see minutes ago—only directed at him.



Emilie peeked around Finn’s broad shoulder. “Are you okay? Where’s Ava?” And where was her fake fiancé? It was weird sitting alone with her ex in the bottom of the boat. Their voices echoed in the mostly empty room.

Finn ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t know if it’s me she’s mad at or the situation.” Emilie froze. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to him about his future wife. “I mean, we have enough money. Why doesn’t she just ask?”

Emilie forced a laugh. “That’s just who Ava is. Miss Independent.”

Right then, footsteps sounded at the stairs. Dean was halfway down the staircase when he saw her, and he did not look happy. She stood, putting some space between her and Finn. “I better go. Thanks for the… chat.”

Finn gave a miserable nod and nursed his drink some more. “Go join your man. I see he’s waiting.”