“I baked these for him this morning.”
She gives me a patient look. “Right. And you’re not in love with him.”
“I never said that.”
I hadn’t ever said that I was in love with him, either. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it’s true. And cookies and other baked goods are nice. But I want to help him more than just a few cookies.
“I’m supposed to work tomorrow.”
She points to herself. “Boss. You can have the day off.”
“Okay. I’ll go with him. If you think it’ll help.”
“I do.”
“You’ll make sure he gets the cookies? And there’s a couple dozen in there, so you can have some, too. I’d like to make him something special tomorrow. Have any ideas for me?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t think there’s anything in particular he likes more than anything else. Why don’t you make your favourite thing?”
“It’s not sweet. My favourite thing is a cheese bread.”
“He’ll love that. Who doesn’t love cheese?”
I laugh as I stand. Cerberus looks up at Vic before he moves.
She scratches him behind the ears again. “Thanks to you, as well. It’s amazing how just scratching a dog’s ears can make everything feel a bit better.”
“Come on, Cerberus. Let’s let Vic get back to work.”
He trots over to me and I clip his leash on. Just before I leave the office, Vic says, “Lis? Don’t tell anyone about Emily, okay? I don’t want to make a big deal of it.”
“I know it’s not quite the same as Spencer, but I got your back.”
She smiles. “No matter what. It is the same.”
Chapter 32
I wake up late in the morning. Actually, the afternoon. When I get up, my phone has a text from Vic and a voicemail from Sam.
Vic: Lis brought you some cookies. They’re here if you want to get them before going to get the real estate stuff sorted.
Me: I just got up. I’m going to shower and then I’ll come down. Can I borrow the car today?
Vic: All yours. Keys on the hook by the door.
I shower before I listen to Sam’s message, trying in vain to wash off the sadness and apprehension that’s been covering me like a heavy cloak for the last few days. It doesn’t work the way I want it to, but I get out and dress and then listen to the message. She tells me she has everything ready for me and I can come down to her office any time to sort out the final details.
So I grab the keys, stopping by the office first.
“What’s this?” I ask, lifting the container of cookies.
Vic shrugs. “She just stopped by and asked if I could make sure you got them. Seems she thinks you’re in need of cheering up.”
“She made me cookies and cinnamon rolls this week.”
She spins her pen between her fingers as she leans back in her chair, assessing me. “Sounds like things are coming back around.”