He looks up from his computer, a smile breaking out on his face.
“Hey, firecracker. What brings you here? I thought you were doing inventory.”
“I am. But we stopped for lunch. I brought you something.” I pull the cake from behind my back with a flourish, setting it on his desk. “Voila. I have to say, it’s a masterpiece. My best work yet.”
“Really?” He takes the fork from me but doesn’t move to take a bite. “Where’s yours?”
I shrug. “I had mine last night. This is my extra piece. You said you wanted to call in a favour to have some, so…”
He gets out of his chair and moves around his desk to sit in one of the guest spots, motioning for me to take the other. “Then we have to share.”
I sit down, watching as he takes his first bite.
“Oh my god this is amazing,” he says, sliding the fork into the cake for a second bite.
“I thought you said we were going to share.”
“That was before I tried it.”
I roll my lips together to keep my smile from getting too big. I love feeding people. Their reactions to my food is my favourite part about cooking. He fills the fork for a third time, holding it out for me. I open my mouth and he feeds me before I can think about what’s happening. The intimacy of the situation settles in me as he pulls the fork from between my lips. I’m watching him for his reaction.
Though his eyes burn, he doesn’t say anything about it and just takes another bite.
“Spencer,” I say, not entirely sure where I’m going. “About the other night.”
“I said I’d wait, and I will. So unless you’re going to tell me to fuck you against my desk right now, not another word.”
He holds out the fork for me again.
I can’t breathe as the image of us fucking against his desk plays in my mind. I’m suddenly hot and I’m certain my panties are now drenched. My mind is screaming at me that we’re alone in the building. I open my mouth and he feeds me a second bite of cake.
The vanilla mousse is sweet and fluffy mixing perfectly with the creamy tanginess of the cheesecake. It really is one of my best creations. He takes his next bite and I watch as his eyes close, savouring the taste before swallowing. I’m gripping the arms of the chair so hard my hands hurt. But I just sit there and wait for him to give me another bite of cheesecake, my whole body vibrating with tension.
He only looks at me when he’s feeding me, but I can’t take my eyes off him. We’re down to the last couple of bites and he holds the fork out for me, turning so that his whole body is facing me. I note the way his cock is pressing into his zipper. He’s not as unaffected as he’s trying to seem.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I might fuck you against my desk anyway,” he says, sliding the fork out of my mouth.
I swallow. “Looking at you like what?”
“Like you think I taste better than this cake,” he says, before eating the last bite.
“You do.”
The words are out before I can stop them, but I don’t try to take them back.
He sets the fork down with exaggerated care and then stands, pulling me up with him. He leans toward me, very slowly, his eyes searching mine the whole time. I don’t move away. When he kisses me, it’s with the same exaggerated care he used to set the fork down. Like he’s holding onto his control with an iron grip.
We don’t hold each other. We don’t melt together. Fuck, I want to.
He ends the kiss as slowly as he began it, dragging his thumb along my lower lip.
“Go back to work, firecracker,” he says, his voice husky. “Thank you for the cake.”
I don’t move, my heart hammering in my chest.