“I’m really sorry,” she says.
“Don’t be,” Spencer replies, holding up a hand with his pinkie extended. “When I come back up, I’ll stay in my room.”
Vic links her pinkie with his, grimacing. “I’ll see you Friday, Lis.”
I nod to her and we leave the apartment. Once we’re outside, he opens an umbrella and holds it over us both, linking our arms together so we’re both covered. The weather has eased from a downpour to a regular, heavy rain. We cross the street to the park between his apartment and the beach.
“Mean lady?” Spencer asks when we’re outside.
I shoot him a look as Cerberus sniffs around the grass finding a place to do his business. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Trust me. I’ve called her worse.”
“What was that pinkie thing about?” I ask.
“It’s kind of like a secret handshake. It started when we were kids. I can’t remember what the secret was, but she told me something and I pinkie swore not to tell anyone. It kept going and eventually evolved to what it means today. I got your back, no matter what. Even if you fuck up. And we have both done our share of fucking up.”
I smile, my heart warm from the story. “I’m glad you have someone like that in your life. Daze and Sophie are like that for me. What is the deal with Emily, anyway?”
He heaves a huge sigh. “I don’t know. She’s very controlling. I’ve hated her since about a week after she and Vic started dating the first time.”
“The first time?”
“Yeah. They break up and get back together. Sometimes they don’t get back together and just hook up. It’s toxic and awful, but Vic keeps taking her back.”
“Why? She’s an awesome woman. She doesn’t need to put up with that.”
“You tell her that. Maybe she’ll listen to you. Anyway. I think Emily might be a little bit jealous of me and Vic. She’s always rude, but she doesn’t antagonize Derek and Adalie like she does me.”
“Why would she care? If Vic is gay, you’re not exactly her type.”
He tilts his head to the side. “She’s bi, actually. And I live with her. So, to Emily, I could be. It’s ridiculous. If we were going to get together, there were plenty of opportunities. There’s nothing there between us.” He shakes his head. “I don’t want to talk about Emily. How are your feet?”
“My feet?” I blink at him, confused by the sudden topic change.
“Your shoes are still wet. You want to get back to your car so you can go home? I don’t want you getting sick keeping you out here with wet feet.”
We stand there for a moment, turned toward each other. I wish I didn’t have to go anywhere. Wish I could just keep walking with him forever.
“I probably should.”
We get back to my car and he waits for me to get Cerberus settled in the back.
“Maybe next week we can do another hike,” he says. “The Grouse Grind should open soon.”
“Ugh. The Grind? Please tell me you’re not one of those masochists who like climbing that thing.”
He grins. “I most certainly am. When it’s open, I try to go once a week. Though transiting out there sucks.”
I make gagging noises. The Grouse Grind is a two and a half kilometer hike up the side of a mountain. Practically all stairs. Absolutely awful.
He laughs at me.
“You will never get me to climb that thing. I refuse. However, if you want to do another hike next week, we could go out to Maple Ridge and do the easy one in Golden Ears Park. Then Cerberus can come again. Though I should warn you, if I go out to Maple Ridge, I am contractually obligated to stop in at my parents’ house.”
He leans in like he’s about to kiss me. My breath catches in my chest. Then he pulls back, smiles, and steps away.