Page 16 of Why Not Both?


I listen with half an ear as Vic goes over the broad outline of the next few months. Wedding season has started and Blue Vista is booked solid. Every Saturday—starting the one coming up until the middle of September—is booked for a wedding. I know all this. I booked the fucking things.

Still. I need to be here with the team. If she needs me to step in to explain some detail, I need to be ready. But my focus is split between what Vic is saying and the rainbow-haired beauty sitting across from me. I keep myself from looking at her, mostly staring at the folder in front of me as Vic goes over things. I don’t really see what I’m looking at, every cell in my body pulled in Lis’ direction.

“That’s it,” Vic says. “Any questions?”

“When can I meet the kitchen staff?” Lis asks.

“I’ve asked them to come in for a couple hours this afternoon,” Adalie says. “They’ll be here around one.”

Lis turns toward me and I hold my breath.

“Can we set up a meeting to discuss the events in more detail?” she asks.

“Whatever you need.”

She turns away again, and it hurts. I thought we could have had something. But she wants the job more than me.

Don’t be a dick, Spencer. You’ve known the woman for less than forty-eight hours. You can’t expect her to choose you over a job that she’s been dreaming about for who knows how long.

“I guess that’s it then. Come on. I’ll take you for a tour.” Vic stands to lead Lis out of the conference room, but I stand as well.

“I’ll do it,” I say. “You’ve probably got a lot to do. After I show Lis around, we can have that meeting about the schedule.”

I’m being an idiot. I should let Vic take Lis on the tour. I should give her some space, like she asked. But we’re colleagues now. There’s no reason I can’t give her the tour. I know the building better than Vic does, anyway.

Vic lifts one black eyebrow at me, but nods. “Fine. Start with Adalie’s office. She has your contract for you. Read it over and hand it in before you leave today.”

“Absolutely,” Lis responds and then I lead her out of the conference room and we’re alone in the halls for just a few minutes.

I want to say a million things. I want to beg for a chance. Instead, I take her to the storage room first, which is right next to Adalie’s office. I shove my hands in my pockets as we walk around the space.

“We’ll give Adalie a minute to get everything sorted.” I say. “This is our storage room. Elevator to the upper floor is there. It’s staff only, unless there’s a special request and then the person is accompanied by staff.”

“Is there anything I need in here?”

I consider her question for a moment. “I think a few of those warming tray things are in here somewhere. Our last chef, Mark, had things where he liked them. But you can move them if you find a spot that suits you better.”

“You can make decisions like that?”

“Vic won’t mind. But if it worries you, just let her know what you’re doing.”

“You know Vic really well, then?” she asks.

I turn to her, the exaggerated nonchalance in her tone making me wonder if there’s something more behind that question.

“We’ve been friends since we were five.”

“That’s a really long time to be friends with someone.”

I nod. “Twenty five years.”

Lis doesn’t look at me when she says, “You live with her. Work with her. Known her for over twenty years. That’s quite a relationship.”

I watch her carefully in the darkness. I hadn’t bothered to turn on the lights. Is she jealous? Or is she worried about something? Though why would she be worried if we’re not going to be anything more than colleagues?

“I’m not with Vic. Our parents always hoped we’d get together, but by the time either of us were interested in dating people we already felt more like siblings.”