Page 105 of Why Not Both?

Chapter 36


The morning of Daze and Sophie’s wedding dawns bright and beautiful except for one thing. Lis isn’t sleeping next to me. It’s in that moment that I make a decision, though I can’t do more than consider it before I’m up and getting ready for the day.

This wedding officially marks the end of wedding season. There’s still a couple weddings in the month of September and then a couple in October. But they’re not every weekend after this one. And there are no more fully booked weekends. But today, everyone is excited to see Daze and Sophie get married.

Lis stayed with her sister last night. We texted each other all night, but I miss her more than I rightfully should since we saw each other at the rehearsal dinner. And now that I’m fully moved in to my apartment, I can’t even watch for her to run past along the Seawall anymore.

I shake myself from my maudlin thoughts. It’s the most important wedding of the season and everything has to go perfectly. So I arrive early to make sure things are already operating smoothly. We’d done a lot of set-up the night before, including carting the big tents—that we all hope we don’t need—to the rooftop terrace.

Everyone is excited for this wedding. While it’s not anyone who actually works for Blue Vista, it still feels like a Blue Vista family wedding. Tina is already hopping around the kitchen—hours earlier than she needs to be—ensuring everything is prepped for the dinner later tonight. Vic and Adalie are sorting out the staff. Derek is working with a small team to get the alcohol stocked behind the bar. Even our new on-contract-photographer is here with a couple of assistants taking some test shots.

Sophie arrives first and I set her up in one of the rooms set aside for the bridal party along with her small entourage of her mother, her father, her maid of honour, and the hairdresser. I hand out flutes of champagne and then get back to my job.

They’d only changed a few things from the original wedding, a few decorations and a few flower choices. They’d lowered the guest count from the original two hundred to a hundred and twenty. Even with the changes, they still saved a huge chunk of money over what a wedding here would normally cost.

I’m pouring myself a cup of coffee when the front door opens and there she is.

I should go directly to the bride. That’s my job, after all. But first I have to kiss my girlfriend.

“I missed you,” I say after I kiss her.

She laughs. “It’s only been a few hours.”

“Too long.”

“And it’s going to be even longer,” Daze says, striding toward me. “We need to get ready.”

Lis rolls her eyes. “Miss bossy. She seems to think it’s her day or something.”

They slip their arms around each other, leaning together and it’s so beautiful to see how happy they are. Identical twins with identical smiles.

“Follow me to the rooms,” I say, leading the two women and their parents to the other space for the bridal party. “Sophie is already here with your hairdresser. Would you like anything while you wait? Champagne, mimosas?”

“Mimosas would be lovely,” Daze says as they settle into the room, hanging up dresses.

I nod. “I’ll let Tina know.”

Lis catches me before I can leave.

“We’re going to do our make-up now, so this is your last chance to kiss me before the reception.”

“That long?” I say, tugging her closer.

“I’m afraid so. Once the make-up is on, we can’t mess it up until after pictures.”

“Wouldn’t want that.” So I kiss her. Because what else can I do when she’s looking up at me with those beautiful blue-green eyes filled with love? When we finally break apart, I tuck a strand of rainbow-coloured hair—newly brightened at her recent hair appointment—behind her ear. “I’ll go get those mimosas. Four?”

“Yes, please,” she says before returning to her sister who is pulling out make-up and setting it on the counter.

When I return, I tell them to have fun today and if they need anything at all, to let me know. Then I get back to work. I check on Sophie, bringing her another round of champagne and letting her know everything is on schedule.

At the designated time, I’m waiting on the roof. Sophie is on one side behind a screen with her maid of honour. The guests are all seated and the photographers are ready.

Daze and Lis arrive and I position them behind a second screen.

The music starts and I watch Lis and Sophie’s maid-of-honour, Kelly, walk down the aisle together in very different dresses that are the same dusty pink.