“I love you, Spencer.” The words come out on a sob as the pleasure builds and builds. “I love you. I need you.”
My words devolve into moans and his mouth comes down on mine, devouring. I taste myself on his lips as my tongue meets his. The friction of our bodies touching has me on fire. Our mouths fused, my nipples crushed against his chest, my legs tight around his hips which slam against mine. And at my core, his cock gliding in and out of my dripping pussy.
My body begins to tighten, pleasure ratcheting higher. Spencer pumps into me and my moans turn into a litany of his name over and over. I can’t think of anything other than the feeling of him, his body and his heat. And then I explode, my orgasm shuddering through me on a wave of ecstasy. I ride that wave and Spencer follows me with a groan and my name.
We cling together as we come down from the high of the orgasms, our breathing heavy.
“Okay,” I say, panting. “I can maybe get behind kitchen sex. But only if we sanitize after.”
Spencer laughs.
I blink my eyes open focusing on the window just beyond the kitchen.
“Can people see us?” I ask. The windows have blinds, but they’re rolled up, letting anyone see in if they want to.
“Let them,” Spencer says, his body still pressing me against the counter. “Let them see and be jealous.”
“We should get ready and go to work.”
He nods against my shoulder. “In a minute.”
He lifts me so I can sit on the counter again, smoothing my hair back and then finding a cloth in a drawer and cleaning me up before handing me my clothes back, including the hoodie which he slips over my head.
“I love you, Spencer,” I say as he pulls my hair from the collar of the shirt.
He grins at me. “I know.”
I smack him on his still naked shoulder. “You are not as cool as Han Solo.”
He clutches a hand over his heart. “I am far cooler than Han Solo.”
I pull him back toward me, holding him between my legs, wrapping my arms around him. “No one is as cool as Han Solo.”
We kiss for a long time until my brain reminds me that we should get to work. As I break the kiss and hop down to finish adjusting my clothes, Spencer grabs my hand.
“I love you, too, Lis. Possibly from the first moment I saw you.”
It suddenly occurs to me that I’ve probably loved him just as long. We could have had this, all this time.
“How many favours do I have saved up?” I ask.
He shrugs as he steps into his pants. “I honestly lost count a while ago.”
“Well, I want to cash them all in.”
He sends me a sly grin before pulling his shirt back over his head. “And what favour can I do for you, firecracker?”
“Forgive me. For being such an idiot for the last four months.” He pauses doing up his buttons to look at me. “I made us waste so much time.”
He takes my hands in his. “It wasn’t wasted time, firecracker. We got to know each other. We became friends. We set a solid foundation that we can build from. There’s nothing I would change about the last four months.” He shifts his head side-to-side. “Well, maybe making sure you read your contract carefully that first day. But other than that.”
“It’s not going to be weird that we work together?”
“No. It’s going to make everything better. Because now, I can kiss you whenever I want.”
“And if any more bridesmaids come on to you, you can tell them your girlfriend is downstairs in the kitchen.”
“I like the sound of that.”