Connor moans again.
And I do too. I can’t help it when I can almost taste his lust for me.
He is so close, I can feel it...
I can feel him...
And so am I.
“I’m so fucking close,” I whisper.
“Finish for me, girl,” Connor stammers. “I’m already spiraling...”
And in one shuddering climax, we both groan and release.
In unison.
Hot cum splurges onto my hand. I feel him unload all the way up my arm as I hold him tight. At the same moment, I lean back as his fingers dance on my clit and make me feel waves of pleasure crash on me. I’m triggered by his orgasm.
It’s beautiful and sexy and so damn hot.
And my own orgasm floods my entire body with warmth.
Yeah, I’ve totally forgotten about how cold I’m supposed to be...
“Can I take another photo of you?” Ember inquires, naked, from the bed.
I’m standing in the cabin’s tiny kitchen, making us both scrambled eggs on toast. Unlike the journalist in my bed, I am not naked. Well, I only have my underpants on, but still...
“No modern technology allowed,” I remind her with a slight shake of my head. “Remember, I’m old-fashioned.”
But Ember ignores my rule. She already has her phone in her hand. She has it raised before I can even utter a word in protest. She takes a snap of me before I can even turn away.
“I didn’t want that,” I tell her.
Ember shrugs.
“I’m writing the article, and I need a photo for it. I’ll have it edited before it’s even seen by another person.”
“That’s not the point,” I say.
“I need a photo of you for the piece, Connor.”
That pisses me off.
“I told you no, Ember. I don’t want to be famous.”
“It’s just a photo, Connor.”
“That’s all this is, isn’t it?” I ask her, my voice low. “This is just an opportunity to write an article and get paid by my father, yeah?”