I slowly get out of bed, careful not to stir the journalist lying next to me on the single mattress. I head straight for the little kitchen where I make us both a coffee.

The smell of roasted beans wakes Ember up pretty damn quickly. She rolls over in the bed, groaning. One eye opens to stare at me from the warmth and comfort of the sheets.

I can’t help but smile at the damn girl. She’s so gorgeous like that – all sleepy and with all her city girl walls dropped down and exposed. She’s so fucking pretty. I can’t stand it.

Oh, I remember last night... her skin... the taste of her lips and the taste of her tits...

She made me hungry for her. I was so fucking lustful. It was like the logical part of my brain had been switched firmly off and a more animalistic side of me was instead fully engaged.

It made me feel alive.

I haven’t felt alive like that for a hell of a long time.

“Good morning,” I say softly across the room to the girl who stirs such vibrant feelings in the depths of my body.

Ember only grumbles something sleepily incoherent in response. She’s damn cute.

I reach for her mug on the counter.

“Coffee?” I ask her, lifting it up.

She nods enthusiastically at my suggestion. The caffeine is sorely welcomed; I think.

I hand her the mug, and she summons up the necessary energy to slowly sit up in bed to take a long sip.

“Morning, Connor,” she finally grunts.

“Not a morning person, then?” I ask her with a smirk dancing on the corners of my lips.

“Not if I can help it.”

“How about we get out?” I ask her. “Get our bodies moving.”

“What do you have in mind, big guy?”

“Let’s go for a hike.”

I want to ask Ember what last night meant – and what it might mean for our future – but I’m too much of a damn coward to even raise the subject. I’ve never really spoken about feelings like this before to, like anyone. Ever. So, instead of confronting my fears, we walk in silence through the forest and try to wake our tired bodies up. I can’t tell what she’s thinking as we hike... are they the same thoughts as me? It’s clear Ember is far more roused now than she was in the cabin. I’m sure the strong coffee helped, and the fact we stepped right into nature and not the urban jungle of the city. I’m sure it’s a refreshing change of pace for her out here in the wilderness.

And I still can’t talk about last night...

“It’s nice out here,” she finally utters as we climb over a fallen log, breaking the quiet between us.

“It is,” I reply, unable to find any other words.

We continue on for a while longer in another awkward silence. I think I need to say something.


I don’t know where we stand...

“Do you usually sleep with all your interview subjects?” I ask her. I more blurt it out than have a measured question.

Ember laughs at the teasing.

God, I’m glad she laughs. It’s better than receiving a slap.

“Just the warlords,” she replies with a cheeky wink.