“Don’t you want to tell the truth, senator?”
I want to push the limit here, but that question seems to send Joseph Wilson over the edge.
There is real anger behind his eyes now – the spark of that vindictive spite that has fueled his secret criminal activities.
The senator stands up.
“This interview is terminated,” he announces loudly.
“I’m just asking the questions that need to be asked,” I retort. “Please, sit down and explain yourself.”
“No chance in hell. This has been a set-up. It’s cowardly.”
“It’s merely the truth, senator. You don’t want to face reality?”
“I’ve got no comment for you, Ember Mortensen. No comment at all. Trust me, my lawyers will be in touch. Delete this footage at once. This interview is over. You get me?”
“We won’t be deleting this footage.”
“Delete it now, woman.”
“What about your crimes, Joseph? Do you have a comment for them? What about the people you’ve screwed over in your thirst for power and money? Do you have anything to say to them?”
“You’re not going to erase all this?”
“No chance,” I reply.
“Fuck this,” he growls at me. “I’ll be dealing with you later.”
“Is that a threat?” I ask him, trying my best not to smirk. “Do you want that on or off the record?”
And then the senator gets really mad.
“You’re a cunning little bitch, aren’t you? Coming in here and throwing these allegations around? You’re nothing but a stain on the heel of my boot. Delete all of this or I’m coming for you, bitch.”
I don’t answer him. Instead, I slowly turn around to my cameraman. He nods at me.
His nod means one thing – he’s caught all that.
And that’s all I need. That’s what I came here to do. I’ve got footage that’s sure to go viral.
And senator Wilson knows that too.
“Get the fuck out of my office,” he barks at my cameraman and me. “I’ll see you in court, or worse.”
I stand up and proudly walk away from the man.
That look on his face... it’s scary as hell. He’s a bad man who has the potential to do some very bad things not available through the legal system.
But I’ve got the footage.
I’ve nailed the bastard.
And he knows he can’t do shit to stop me.
I walk out of the office and my heart is beating harder and faster than it did before, but now I’ve got the story I came here to get.
That’s my job.