But I’m instantly hit with denial.
“He’s not here,” Eric tells me bluntly the moment he sees me enter. He’s so quick... it’s like he’s been waiting for me.
I blink.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes,” the firefighter replies. “I’m sorry to say, but you shouldn’t come around here anymore. He won’t see you. He’ll never see you.”
“You sure?” I ask, my voice hesitant.
“How about you go home? You’ve tried your best, Ember, but Connor will never talk to you, and you should accept that. He’s torn into us. We’re forbidden to mention your name. You shouldn’t be here, and I shouldn’t be talking to you. I know Connor, and he ain’t playing around. This is serious. You’re not going to get him to budge.”
I sigh.
“Yeah, I kinda guessed it’s the end of the line.”
“I’m sorry, Ember. I just don’t want you wasting your time.”
Eric seems genuinely apologetic. I smile softly.
“It’s not you, Eric. It’s me. I’m just a snooping journalist and Connor is a man who doesn’t want to be interviewed. I thought it would be good to get his perspective on everything, but it seems like that’s over. For real.”
“Yep. No one can say you didn’t try. He’s just too hard to get to, even for us guys. He’s a different breed, Ember. A different man to the rest of us.”
“I get you,” I mutter. “He’s a lone wolf.”
After all the work I’ve done all over the world, it’s funny to think I might have finally met my match in a small American town. I think I have finally found someone I can’t win over with my charm.
Well, I might just have to head back home now. I have no other choice. I’ll have to go into that big office skyscraper and tell Waylen Penmayne to his face that he sent me on an impossible mission, and I’ll just have to accept whatever consequences come out of it.
I’ve failed. That’s it.
Hopefully, some other media organization will hire a washed-up and spat-out Penmayne reporter...
I give Eric one final smile before I start to head out of the station.
I’m not a quitter, but I know I’m beat.
But then Connor is here, walking through the front doors with his confident stride, nearly bumping into me as I leave. His hazel eyes burn right through me. His handsome face is grim.
He’s aiming straight for me like a homing missile.
He knew I’d be here.
He’s on the hunt...
For me.
His voice is even deeper than usual. His tone is sharp and unforgiving. His entire attention is focused solely on me. I feel like prey.
I freeze in my tracks and look up at the imposing man.