“I’ll never speak to you,” I retort, but the girl is already skipping out of the station.

Damn. She is so fucking annoying.

And, yes, so fucking pretty.

I can’t help it, but my body is reacting to her in some fucking strange ways.

I actually find her goddamn attractive.

And that has got me scared as hell...



When Ember finally leaves the station and is safely gone from view, I turn to my crew with a heavy thundercloud growing in my heart and furious heat brewing in my veins.

“What the hell was that, guys?”

Eric is trying to hold back laughter at my question. The other firefighters don’t respond – unlike Eric, they’re too damn terrified of my reaction.

“We like her, Connor,” Eric says, shrugging. “That’s it. That’s all there is to it.”

Now it’s my turn to let out a laugh. A twisted, dark laugh.

“She’s got you all in her pocket, doesn’t she? She’s got all you tough firefighters going crazy for her just because she buys you a coffee and flashes a pretend smile. Can’t you see her for who she truly is? She’s a journalist, and that means she’s a devil in disguise.”

“She’s a nice girl, Connor,” Eric says.

I scoff dramatically.

“Nice? Eric, listen to yourself.”

“Come on, you never talk to women, Connor.”

“Yeah, there’s a reason why I don’t,” I retort. “My life is not suitable for a girl, and it’s certainly not suitable for a venomous journalist out for my blood. She is not a woman I need to be talking to.”

“You’re really going to stay as a celibate monk for the rest of your life?”

I nod at my friend seriously.


Eric rolls his eyes at that.

“She’s clearly interested in you,” he says. “Just talk to her. That’s all. What’s the worst that’s going to happen? I’m sure you’re grown up enough to know not to get yourself into any trouble. Why the silence?”

The other firefighters swivel their heads between my friend and me like it’s an intense tennis match. They’re too afraid to say anything in case I explode.

But I’m not going to explode - I’m going to remain calm and try not to get angry at my crew. Even though they invited a viper into our den, they are still my closest buddies. I mean them no ill will.

But this is starting to really get on my nerves now. My life was drifting along perfectly fine before Ember showed up to cause trouble. I knew this was going to happen the moment she rocked up in our small town. I tried to warn my crew about talking to her. I’ve tried to keep her away from me.

I just want to be left alone. I just want my peace.

I don’t want my family intruding into my space.

But there is a secret part of me that agrees with Eric - it has been a long time since I’ve actually communicated with a woman, and even longer since I actually meaningfully spoken to one, or – dare I say - flirted. Ember can press my buttons, but it’s undeniable there’s a chemistry between us. You’d have to be an idiot not to see that. And I’m no idiot.