Oh, Jesus.

“Here he is,” Eric says, smirking at me and then at our intruder. “Connor.”

The Penmayne wanders up to us, scanning me up and down quizzically kinda like Eric did, but with a whole lotta cold disregard.

“Who are you?” he asks me darkly. His face is impenetrable to read. His beard makes him seem so very tough. His tall, muscular presence sends a chill through my body.

I bet he could rip me apart easily with those thick tattooed arms of his...

I offer out a cheery hand for him to shake.

“I’m Ember Mortensen,” I announce in a cheery manner.

“She was asking for you, Connor,” Eric says. “Specifically, you.”

Great. That’s going to be a good start. Thanks, Eric.

The gruff man doesn’t accept my handshake. He seems unmoved by my sunshine demeanor. He’s eyeing me like I’m a suspicious package that might explode at any given moment.

“Why are you asking for me, Ember Mortensen?”

His voice is deep. Unemotive. Forceful.


I might as well come clean. I can tell there’s no point lying or trying to squirm around with this man - he’ll find me out in an instant, I know. I can spot the Penmayne intelligence hidden in his eyes.

“I’m a journalist,” I say. “And I would like to ask you some questions. If that’s possible.”

A groan escapes Connor’s lips.

“I don’t speak to journalists.”

Time to butter him up.

His initial refusal doesn’t faze me. I’ve encountered this many a time. I’m good at negotiation.

“I want to hear your story,” I say.

“Bullshit. You’ve just admitted you’re a journalist. You’re not after my story. You’re simply after your next paycheck.”

Connor crosses his burly arms. He towers over me. His large biceps are tight against his sleeves.

I hold my ground.

“Well, I’m not like other ones...”

I want to keep going with my spiel, but Connor immediately cuts me off with a bark.

“You simply want to know all about the Penmaynes and my relationship with them, right?”


“Well... I...”

“Is that true?” he asks. “You’re after the juicy gossip of what’s gone on between my family and me, aren’t you?”
