Now it’s my turn to smile.

“I’ve never let the impossible get in the way.”

“I’ve read up about you, Ember,” Spencer remarks. “It’s true what you say. I know you don’t take no for an answer, and I admire you for it, but please take my advice and just leave this town before you waste your precious time chasing a phantom.”

“I’m not leaving until I have what I need,” I retort.

“Connor has shunned my family,” Spencer explains. “He’s reclusive. He wants nothing to do with anyone. He holds certain values and holds them very well. Talking to the press about what’s going on in his head is certainly not one of them. Talking to his father is not one of them. And talking to an out-of-town journalist named Ember Mortensen is definitely not one of them.”

“Sure, but I do think I can talk to him.”

“You might even think he’s a strange man, Ember.”

“I can deal with strange men,” I reply. “I’ve dealt with my fair share of criminals and politicians.”

“Take my advice and just go home,” the professor repeats. “You won’t find anything here.”

I shrug.

“I have no other choice.”

“Why’s that?”

“Your father,” I mutter.

Spencer nods knowingly.

“Ah, I see.”

“He has power, especially in my line of work.”

“He’s a hard man when you’ve displeased him,” Spencer replies. “I am sorry he’s put you in this impossible predicament, but I’m telling you that it can’t be done. You won’t get a pipsqueak out of Connor, that much I can assure you.”

“You wanna bet on it?”

Before the professor can answer my challenge, there’s a loud knock on the door. Both he and I turn to the intruder.

“I’m waiting for you, Spencer...”

It’s a woman around the same age as me who opens. She’s got coffee-brown eyes and shoulder-length, tawny brown hair. She’s wearing a lovely blue dress. By the way the professor and her longing look at each other, it’s clear that Spencer and this girl are in love.

And they’re clearly both about to go out for dinner or somewhere fancy.

“Hello, Olivia,” Spencer says to her, introducing me. “This is Ember Mortensen, a journalist working for Father’s company. She’s here, hired by Father, to coax Connor out of his shell.”

Olivia smiles at me with the same knowing nod that Spencer has just deployed against me.

I know all about Olivia from my research. She was a student of Spencer’s, and then they had a secret affair for years... the professor and the student. It was scandalous until everyone realized how much they actually care for each other. I have to admit; they do look good together.

“That’ll be an impossible task,” Olivia remarks to me. “Connor won’t speak to anyone outside his firefighter friends. He doesn’t speak to family anymore. He surely won’t speak to a journalist hired by his father.”

“As I said to Spencer,” I reply to the beautiful woman, “I don’t think of things as impossible. I intend on getting the man on the record.”

Olivia's smile grows wide. “Good luck,” she says. “You’re gonna need it.”

“I don’t need any luck,” I announce confidently. “I know I’m gonna get him to talk. But thank you. I see you’ve got a date. I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Are you going to try to see Connor tonight?” Spencer asks me as I get up to leave.