“You’re the only place in town, right?” I ask her.
I mean, I could go to a better place if there is one. Especially if I’m going to be spending some time here getting to know Connor. I should fork out the cash...
But the manager laughs at my question.
“There’s nowhere else,” she says. “It’s our expensive room or the highway.”
“Well, you can always try a room at the Penmayne mansion,” she chortles, “but they don’t like commoners like us. There really is nowhere else in all of Crystal River except for us.”
“Thanks. I’ll take the room. How much is it?”
She reveals the extortionate price. It doesn’t help the feeling that I have made a big freaking mistake coming all the way here.
On the long winding way here, I drove past Damon Penmayne’s rebuilt brewery just outside of town. He’s another son of Waylen, and Connor’s brother. His brewery was impressive. I’ve done my research on the billionaire family before I came to this town. Damon has brought a lot of jobs to Crystal River through that brewery, and the people in this town love him for that. Seems like the Penmaynes remain well-connected to the place of their birth.
That’s something positive to say, surely?
The motel room that I’ve practically been blackmailed to pay for is as dingy as the place looks like on the outside, but I grin and bear it. I have a shower and try to forget all the traveling I’ve done today. Yeah, Crystal River is not my usual work location. I’m used to international flights to far-flung deserts and not small town America.
But I’m here to do a job to keep my job.
Gotta keep Waylen Penmayne happy - that’s the important thing I gotta remember.
Find Connor. Interview the guy. Write the ass-kissing article. Get the hell outta here. That’s the plan.
Hopping out of the shower, I decide to go for a drive around town. I should get to know the place before I go and find this mysterious Penmayne.
Dressed, I jump into my car and leisurely take my time to explore these quiet streets. It really is so different from the city here. I head past the main park in town. I notice there’s a cute-looking coffee shop next to it called The Oak. I make a mental note to visit it. Must be the only half-decent cup of coffee in town.
I even end up inadvertently driving past the fire station nearby. I can’t help but stare inside. There’s no sign of Connor, but that’s okay. I’m not planning on seeing him until at least tomorrow when I’m better prepared.
But first, I’ve got to do something.
I have an appointment I must get to.
I pass the fire station and drive straight to Crystal River University. The parking lot at the campus is empty this time of the evening. No one is here - well, nearly no one. I wander up to the main gates and security lets me through. Most of the students have left the campus now, back to their dorm rooms across the road or partying in houses scattered around town.
I was lucky enough to go to a very nice college. This place looks surprisingly good for being one in a small town.
But I’m not here to snoop around and make silly judgments about some small town.
No, I’m looking for a specific lecture hall.
I keep wandering around the empty hallways until I think I find it.
I double-check the message on my phone and look up at the door.
Ah. This must be it. Surely.
I go ahead and knock.
And Spencer Penmayne opens up.