It’s the truth.

“That’s what you did?”

“It’s all you can wish for in this life.”

“That’s so unlike you,” Eric remarks sarcastically, with a smirk.

The men I work with know that I don’t like drama. They know I would be perfectly happy if we never had to speak a word to each other ever again and just did the work in total silence.

I raise the glass of beer and take in a big gulp. I’m not nursing it anymore. I need the alcohol in my veins.

I will enjoy this time with my team...

But I am suddenly interrupted in my drinking by a man who has silently approached the table.

“Penmaynes are not welcome in this bar,” the man growls at the back of my head.

I place my beer back on the table. I can’t see him yet, so I turn in his direction.


The man looms over me – his unkempt beard and his cheap baseball cap both successfully hiding his dumb face. I see those eyes staring at me. Unintelligent, drunk eyes. He’s being bold. Bolder than he should be.

I really don’t want to fucking deal with this now.

“I’m not a Penmayne,” I lie to the intruder.

I’m going to be kind. I’m going to give him an out.

“Well, you certainly look like a Penmayne to me,” the man growls. “I know you are. You’ve got that dumb, fake face. You’re not welcome outside of Crystal River.”

He’s tempting fate now.

Eric looks up.

The other firefighters stop their conversations and look up at the man. They’re all noticing something is not right at my end of the table, even if they didn’t hear exactly what’s been said.

“Hey, how about you leave me and my friends alone,” I say to the man in the calmest voice I can. I really don’t want the drama. I’ll give him another chance.

“Yeah, you’re a Penmayne for sure. Didn’t you hear me? You lot aren’t welcome here in this town.”

“I’ll even buy you a beer,” I continue. “Just step away and leave us in peace.”

“I don’t want your lousy Penmayne money,” the man barks. “Fuck off back to Crystal River with your big fancy mansion and all your money. You don’t know what it’s like to be normal. You are a pussy.”

I sigh.

I really don’t want this, but there’s only so much my pride can take.

I’ve given this bloke enough chances.

“You want a fight?” I ask the thug. “You really want this?”

He laughs.

“You can’t fight, Penmayne.”

“Just walk away, man.”