

I don’t say another word to him.

Instead, I start to run.

Right into the fire.

This is my nightmare come real.

Eric must’ve seen me because he starts calling after me. Calling my name in fear.


But it’s too late. I’m not going to listen to anyone.

I’m going to save Ember.



I know this place more than I know myself...

The shape of the hallways. The feel of the walls. The size of every step on the staircase. The way certain bits of the wooden flooring creaks when you step on it, and what precise sound it makes. Where individual pieces of art are on display.

The smell of each room.

I know this place so damn well, and yet I still can’t find Ember in here.

It’s all so very different from what I remember when heavy smoke chokes the hallways and the stench of burning fire fills your nose... it’s so hard to recall those happy childhood memories of playing between these four walls when the heat burns your skin and when you can’t see at all with the lights off.

It’s just like that dream... the one of the motel on fire and I am searching for Ember in the flames. It’s come true.

I’m running through the mansion. I’m panicked.

God, there are so many rooms.

I’m completely ignoring my firefighter training. I’m blinded to all the procedures I should be following. I should be more careful. I shouldn’t be this desperate. I should have a colleague beside me. I shouldn’t be wildly sprinting.

I should be in control.

But I’m very much not in control.

All I’m focused on is Ember.

Where is she?


I’m calling her name with all the force I can muster. I’m calling it over and over and over.

And no one answers.

Another hallway. More smoke. More flames.

I’m starting to find it harder and harder to breathe. I can feel my body slowing with each step I take.