So I show her the footage. I pull out my laptop and put it triumphantly on her desk, pressing play with the self-satisfaction of a girl who grew up dreaming of a moment like this.
“This is great stuff, Ember,” my editor tells me after watching the unedited interview with her full attention. “Really great stuff.”
“Isn’t it?”
“He lost control at the end there.”
“He’s guilty as charged.”
Penelope leans back in her chair and contemplates what she’s just seen.
She pauses.
I feel like there’s something wrong.
“I am proud of the work you have done for the last year, Ember. I’m proud that you managed to get that award-winning interview with that warlord in Africa. I’m proud of how you’re really going against this senator...”
Oh, no.
Something else.
The atmosphere has turned...
“There’s a big and coming,” I say, cutting her off. “I know it. What is it, Penelope?”
My editor sighs. Her eyes dart to the ground apprehensively. I know that look.
Crap. It’s not good news, whatever the hell it is.
“Waylen Penmayne wants to see you,” she mutters, almost indecipherably.
The words hit me like a train running at full speed.
Waylen Penmayne? The boss? He wants to see me?
“Me?” I ask her, stammering.
“In his office upstairs?”
“The top one, yes.”
“What for? What does he want with me?”
“I don’t know,” Penelope says. “I really don’t know why he’s asked for you.”
Oh, shit.
“He never promotes anyone personally,” I whisper. “He never hands out awards. Nothing about him is good, Penelope.”
He wants me gone. He’s going to get rid of me...
And I don’t know why.
“He does want to see you, Ember,” Penelope says. “I’ve double-checked the message. It’s clear as day. You’re to report to his office. I’m sorry.”
I take in a deep breath.