“I never go into a burning building unprotected,” he explains. “It’s a fireman’s rule. I had my friends and colleagues there with me. They had my back, that’s what matters.”

“But... what you did... that was amazing.”

Connor raises a brow.

“Be careful, Ember. That sounds seriously close to praise. We wouldn’t want an impartial journalist doing something like that.”

I laugh, more out of pure relief than anything. “I’m still very much prepared to write a hit piece and interrogate you later,” I retort.

“We’ll see,” Connor replies. “Right now, I’m back to work. Please keep out of my way.”

I smirk at the guy. I’ve spent enough time with him to know he’s not as serious as he tries to be.

“Sure thing,” I say. “I’ll stay out of your way, doll savior.”

And do I dare spot another small smile pass Connor’s lips?

I think I do.



“She can’t take her eyes off you, man.”

I slowly turn around to face Eric. My boy is grinning at me like a lunatic. For fuck’s sake, I can’t deal with this shit right now – I am merely attempting to write up a report of the incident... getting through the boring, mundane, unsexy paperwork that comes along with our job.

I don’t have time to talk about some journalist being flirty with my sorry ass.

Eric and I are alone at the station. It’s been a few hours since that burning house and the crying mother and the panic and stress. I’ve sent everyone else home, including Ember. For once, she actually obeyed my command without a smirk or a condescending glance.

“I’m just doing my job,” I reply to Eric quietly, “and she’s doing her job by writing some stupid article about me. That’s why she’s staring at me all the damn time. It has nothing to do with some wild, made-up fantasy in your head. Get that through your thick skull.”

“Judging from her eyes today, she’s doing a hell of a lot more than writing some stupid article about you, Connor. A lot more.”

“Do you seriously think this big-shot journalist from the city, hired by my father to spy on me, has the hots for me, Eric?”

He shrugs.

“There are more impossible things that can happen than an interviewer falling for their interview subject, big boy.”

I growl.

“Get back to work,” I say, nodding at the paperwork laid out in front of him.

Eric smirks at me before he’s back at his desk.


I can’t deny that there has been a part of me that has noticed Ember’s wandering eyes, even before Eric pointed it out. I also can’t deny that I do think it is something more than just a journalist interested in a story. She’s really focused in on me, and I am a bit scared, thrilled, and – shall I say – a little turned on by the attention she’s throwing my way.

Maybe she’s more than just another snooping journalist after the interest in my family name. Maybe she’s more than that.

Maybe I should really do this interview properly and give her the answers she’s looking for.

Maybe this doesn’t have to be a game between us. Maybe I can be honest with her.

Maybe I really should talk to her seriously...