I feel like the other guys in here take their orders from Connor. The alpha male can certainly dominate the room when he wants - he’s clearly the big shot around here in this nest of other alpha male firefighters.

“You’re not allowed in here, Ember,” Eric says.

“Oh, I know.”

“Connor would kill me with his bare hands if he found out I let you back in,” he mutters. “He made that very clear yesterday after you left. To all of us.”

I lean on the desk conspiratorially and smile my best sweet smile at Eric.

“But he’s not here today, Eric, isn’t he?”

“No, he isn’t.”

“It’s his day off. He doesn’t have to know about my visit.”


“And I want to hear your side of the story,” I say. “I want to hear about you and Connor.”

Eric laughs.

“What do you want to know, exactly?” he asks.

“How long has Connor worked here... what he does, who is he?”

Eric’s eyes dart around. He’s still so wary of his friend somehow walking in. I don’t blame him.

“He’s been working here for a couple of years now. He doesn’t say much about his family, and we don’t ask. There’s no point in asking about things like that, especially with him. All we care about in this profession is if you can hold a hose and help the man standing next to you.”

“Very noble. Tell me more.”

“I don’t want to break our friendship.”

“I understand. You’re a good friend, Eric.”

“I want you to know, Ember, that Connor is the best man I know,” Eric continues. “I don’t want to tell you much, but I can tell you that he’s completely and utterly selfless. To a fault. He’s the first on the scene to run into the fire. He’s the first to make sure everyone’s okay. He’s the first to put his life on the line. He’s the best person to have holding the hose next to you. If there’s any kind of danger, he’s the man running to it and never away.”

“He sure puts up quite a gruff exterior for a selfless man,” I remark.

“Yeah, but that’s all for show,” Eric says. “Sure, he’s a tough bastard, but it’s not all he is. When the going gets tough, Connor is the man with the heart of gold you want beside you.”

“Interesting,” I remark.

“It’s the truth,” Eric replies. “Connor is the best man I have ever met. That’s why we all respect the hell out of him here at the station. He’s saved all of our asses. More than once.”

“And do you think he’ll ever speak to me?” I ask. “Even if what I’m doing isn’t to slander or insult him?”

“He won’t believe you.”

“I promise I’m not here to ruin his life. I just want to know his story from his own mouth.”

Eric shakes his head.

“He will never speak to you, Ember. That is something I am damn sure of. I’m sorry.”

“Well, I am persistent.”

“And Connor is inflexible,” Eric replies. “Neither of you will budge.”