You’d have to be crazy to even think about dating one of those brothers...

And yet they told me everything I needed to know about the family. Well, nearly everything. It’s clear they’ve kept some secrets back. They are loyal to the men they so clearly love.

And, judging from what they told me, it seems like Connor is going to be even harder to crack than I first thought. Not impossible, but damn hard.


This is going to be more painful than going to the dentist.

According to the women, he’s stubborn. Guarded. Cautious. Unwilling to expose his heart.

I doubt he has a sensitive side like they were insisting he has. A man like Connor Penmayne doesn’t tend to be a man who cares.

But I’ve been sent here to do a job. Or my career is flushed down the toilet.

And now I am positive I’ve come across one hell of a tricky interview subject.

I’m just going to have to knuckle down and do the work to get him to talk...



A new day... a new attempt at the prize. A new day to demonstrate that I am actually good at my job.

I walk up to the fire station with my head held high, determined that this is the day I speak to Connor Penmayne and get the interview I so desperately need from him.

But, before I even reach the fire station, I already bump into him. The man is standing to the side of the main doors, hidden from the public except for any watchful eye like me.

And he’s doing bicep curls with weights - a solitary workout. He’s wearing a tank top emblazoned with the name of Crystal River Fire Department. Does this man ever wear something not connected with his work? I’m not complaining, though - the tank top lets me see his bare arms, and what a sight they are. His muscles tense and stretch with every pump. His tattoos stretch up his forearm to his shoulders.

I noticed it the first time I saw him, but it’s even more clear today that his arms are massive, to say it lightly. His athleticism is pretty damn impressive.

And it’s an addictive show that I can’t turn away from...

As I spot him lifting the weights, he sharply turns in my direction.

“Ember Mortensen.”

His baritone voice betrays no surprise at my presence. He is a man who doesn’t get startled easily.

I stop in my tracks and look at the firefighter. He’s caught me off guard standing out here by the doors, that’s for sure. I only hope to God he didn’t catch me staring at those exposed biceps. He drops the heavy weight down to the ground next to his feet and crosses his arms as he glares at me with those impenetrable eyes and waits for my response.

“Hello, Connor. How are you today?”

“You’re back,” he remarks coldly.

“I’m back, yes.”

“To talk to me, I presume?” he asks.

“Yes, I am. You’re ready to have a chat?”

A flicker of... something crosses the man’s face as he stares me down. It’s some kind of emotion other than his usual distaste.

“I know all about you, Ember Mortensen.”

“Oh, really?”