He’s got me. Totally.

He loves me, and I love him.



“So, you’ve written the article about me?” I ask.

Ember looks up at me from across the fire.

“How do you know that I’ve finished that?” she questions fearfully.

“Father told me,” I say. “He said you gave it to him. A final copy.”

Ember rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I did.”

“He says it’s full of nice words,” I tell her, eyebrow raised.

“Ugh. Yeah.”

“Read it to me,” I say to my girl.

She blinks.

“The article?”

“Yeah, read it to me. I’d like to hear what you have to say about me.”


“Are you shy? You’re never shy, Ember. You usually know how to talk my ear off.”

“I don’t want to,” she says defiantly.

“Read it to me or I won’t ever make you dinner again.”

Ember snorts.

“Fine, then. Have it your way. I love your soup way too damn much.”

She gets up from her chair and crosses to the cabin where she gets her phone from her bag. I sit and wait for her patiently.

Yeah, I very much want to hear this...

I pat my legs, beckoning her to sit in my lap. She does so and shows me her phone.

“It’s not going to get published,” she explains to me as one last act of protest.

“I don’t care. I want to hear what you’ve said. I really want to.”

“I will not read it to you like a baby,” she tells me. “I’ll show you it and you can read it yourself.”

“Okay, then. Shoot.”

She thrusts the phone’s screen in my face, and I start to read...