Further in the distance beyond the town is the smoking ruin of my family’s home. You can make it out even from here.
“That’s the mansion, right?” Ember asks, pointing at the devastation.
I nod slowly.
“Yes. It is.”
“Are you okay, Connor? That’s not a good thing to see.”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I mean, you lost your childhood home. All of those belongings. All of that inheritance. All of that history.”
“Father is going to rebuild it.”
“That’s good, but still...”
“I’m fine, Ember,” I whisper to her. “I’m more than fine... I’m in love.”
She blinks. She’s knocked sideways by that admission.
“What? You’re in love?”
“Yeah... with you, Ember. Isn’t it obvious?”
The journalist seems to stumble back a step like she’s been shot. It takes her a moment to recover and to process what I’ve just said.
I thought it would be pretty damn obvious.
“You love me?” she asks, her voice quiet and wavering.
“Yes, I do. Couldn’t you work that out with all your investigative journalist skills?”
Ember shakes her head in disbelief.
“You’re a hard man to read, and even harder to write an article about.”
“Maybe I am.”
“Well, I love you too, Connor.”
Now it’s my turn to blink.
“Take me back to the cabin. Let’s make love, you grumpy, miserable firefighter.”
Ember is so soft.
So warm.