Page 58 of Their Queen

Smiling, I held out my hand. “Come. Walk with me. I need to find Callum’s sister and give her an update. I could use the support.” We both knew it was a half-truth. I did need his support, but I was also giving him something productive to do, something out of the immediate line of sight of all the newcomers. They’d come around eventually, but until then, I could offer him the support he needed. He needed to know that he was wanted, not just by me, but by the others.

After years of being shunned by the Ravens and their Enclave, he was lost. He’d done what I had, both of us pretending that a life of solitude was something we desired, unable to hope for a better existence. After finding love and acceptance here with the fae, I wanted the same for him.

We walked silently through the halls as we searched for Aurelia. After about fifteen minutes of not finding her, I stopped a servant who was walking past us. The servant stopped, bowing to me with a smile, but when she rose back up to standing, her eyes went wide at the sight of Brannoc standing behind me. I couldn’t help the grimace at her reaction. “Yes, Your Majesty?” she asked me, her eyes darting to Brannoc and the threat that she thought he was.

I sighed, trying not to snap at her in a knee-jerk reaction, my instinct telling me to protect my mate. “First, he won’t harm you. He’s my True Mate, destined for me and gifted by Avalonia.” My words still came out a little harshly, and she blushed, her eyes dipping in shame. “Second, I’m looking for Lady Aurelia. Have you seen her around?”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I didn’t know,” she apologized profusely, my chastisement having completely rattled her.

I held up a hand to stop her from rambling incoherent nonsense and excuses. “It’s okay. It’s still not common knowledge, but I would appreciate it if you could help spread the word.” I turned to smile at Brannoc, who was looking at me like I’d hung the moon, adoration and shock on his face.

“Of course, Your Majesty! I’d be more than happy to,” she said, her eyes wide with enthusiasm.

“Great. Now, about Lady Aurelia?” I prompted her again, knowing that the issue had been settled.

“Oh, she’s outside the gates, seeing to the new arrivals. In fact, I was just gathering more supplies to take out there to them,” she explained.

“Thank you. Then I guess I’ll see you again outside.” She curtsied again at the clear dismissal from me.

Brannoc stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as the servant hurried off to complete her tasks. His breath caressed the shell of my ear as he whispered, “You seem to be settling into your new role well. A true Queen if I ever saw one.” His tongue played with the lobe of my ear before he nuzzled into the curve of my neck.

Relaxing back into him with a smile, I said, “I don’t know when it happened exactly, but it feels natural to me. I still have to fight a grimace when people call me Your Majesty, but I think it’ll get easier with time.” My hands tangled with his on my stomach as I continued, “Just like they’ll come to see you the way I do. A strong, brave man worthy of respect and adulation.”

“Adulation, you say? Well, if that’s the case, I have a few ways you can show me that later,” he teased me. My eyes closed with a sad smile, my heart panging as I was reminded of my missing consort. As much as I wanted to lose myself in his embrace and promises of pleasure, I didn’t think I could. At least, not while Callum was still in danger.

“He’ll be okay. You’ve done all you can to protect him. Titania will honor your agreement for now,” he assured me, completely understanding my needs even at the expense of his own desires. “I’m just happy to have you here with me like this.”

“Me too.” I turned in his arms and kissed him, sending my love down our bond, opening my mind to him so he could feel what I was feeling. In response, he did the same, and I basked in his love. It had all happened with him so quickly, but after I had started to let the others in, it felt natural to do the same with him. They had broken down my walls and barriers, and he had swooped in to help them lift me up.

When I stopped to think about it, it had been a ridiculously short amount of time, but I knew him. My hand touched his chest, covering his heart. I knew that part of him so well, our bond allowing me access to things I still didn’t have with the others. Baer and I also shared that same kind of connection, but I desired the same bond with Lennox, Arryn, and Callum. They deserved nothing less from me, and I didn’t want them to ever feel like their connection wasn’t just as strong. One day, when this was all over, I would offer them the chance to become my mate as well. If I could create it with Baer, I had no doubt I could do the same with the others.

Pulling back with a smile, I wrapped my fingers with his as we headed outside to the gate. We walked in sync, our pace unhurried, but demonstrated that we were traveling with a purpose that kept people from approaching us. I made an effort to meet the gazes of the new arrivals, smiling at them and acknowledging their presence, wanting them to feel welcome, though I didn’t have time to speak with them. My gratitude for the sacrifices they were making could never truly be expressed. The only thing I could do was to fight for them, to give my all to them as they were doing for me.

As we reached the gates, I recognized the two soldiers standing guard, familiar faces I had seen around here and at this post before. Smiling, I greeted them. “Is Lady Aurelia still outside the gates?” I asked them after they had bowed to me.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” they answered in near unison and eagerness, and I bit back a laugh. Sometimes, I really was a child, so easily amused by the silly things in life. I mean, if you didn’t laugh when you could, then life would crush you under the weight of it, something I had learned from Baer.

They swung the gates open for us, and we passed through quickly. Halting just outside, my eyes scanned the horizon, searching for the red-haired force that was so much like her brother and yet so different. A part of me couldn’t help but imagine that Callum would be more like her, more open and receptive if it hadn’t been for his captivity and torture from Titania. However, despite it all, I still loved my grumpy puppy. One day, he’d become more open. All we had to do was continue to show our love and affection for him, letting him bloom in his own time.

My heart panged as I caught sight of her bright auburn hair reflecting the setting light, turning the normally darker color into bright flames that represented their court so well. Leading Brannoc in her direction, I waited at a distance for her to finish with the family she was speaking with, allowing her to wrap this part up before approaching her.

Finally, she turned to me. “Ah, Your Majesty.” She smiled at me and wiped her dusty hands onto her gown, which was rumpled and covered in dirt from her efforts out here among the new arrivals. “What brings you out here to find me?” she questioned, her smile open, but her muscles stiffened as if expecting bad news.

“I was hoping I could give you an update,” I started, looking around at all the people milling about. I didn’t mind speaking amongst them, but I wasn’t sure if she wanted to be around them when she heard what I had to say. The guys had updated her before the meeting, and a part of me knew that her desire to be out here, staying busy, was to keep her mind from worrying further.

“Of course.” She gestured with a hand, leading us to a spot that was not nearly as crowded. The people here were all focused on other tasks and paying us little attention. “How’d the meeting go?” she asked as soon as I turned to face her again, her hands wringing in her dress as her eyes pleaded with me for good news.

“It went as well as I had hoped. I was able to get her to agree not to harm Callum or my father until we make the swap. Them for the book,” I told her honestly, holding back the worst part until I had assured her that they were safe.

“Thank the goddess!” She exhaled in relief, her shoulders sagging in relief. Glancing back at my face, she stiffened again. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Taking a deep breath, I decided to just rip the band-aid off. There was really no way to ease her into this. “Unfortunately, they had both been hurt and beaten before we had made contact. They’re both in poor shape, but Callum seems to be holding up the best. She has yet to break him,” I assured her, reaching out a hand to her forearm, trying to comfort her.

Her eyes watered, and she fought back tears at the thought of her brother at the mercy of Titania, with only the fae deal kept her from harming him. I didn’t tell her that I had my doubts about Titania holding up her end of the bargain, especially if she’d found a way to break the vow with Avalonia, which was stronger magic than what we’d done. Despite my fears, I had to keep the faith that her greed would stay her hand long enough for me to get them both back. I pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back and whispering into her ear. “I will get them back. I promise you.” I vowed to her and to myself. There was really no other option I could live with.

She sniffled, pulling back and getting ahold of her emotions. “I have no doubt about that.” She smiled at me, completely confident in my abilities.

Returning her smile, I said, “Damn straight.” We both laughed at my false bravado, hers shaky with tears. “How are things going here? Any problems?”