I saw the moment the approaching fae noticed the appearance of the Keep before them, their horses and steps faltering as they gawked at how close they had been. And there, on a big brown horse in the lead, was Juniper, riding tall in the saddle with a huge grin on her face.
My grandfather arrived next. Not wanting to force him to climb the steps, I traveled down to him. After giving him a hug, I asked, “Is there any way we can create a shield to protect the people who are unable to fit in the Keep. I’d like something stronger to protect them on top of the glamor, just in case.”
“I can do that, but it will take more magic than I have to complete it,” he told me, concern on his face as he puzzled over the best answer.
“Can you walk me through how to do it? I should be able to power the spell now that my own magic isn’t locked away. I feel full to the brim with it. Besides, I can pull from my consorts should I need more, but I doubt I will,” I told him.
He chewed on that idea for a moment, nodding. “That should work. I’ll gather the supplies. We can do that after you’ve greeted your guests.” He smiled at me dotingly.
I laughed. “I guess I should say something to them, especially after they’ve come all this way for me.”
“Just speak from the heart, dear. You’ve already won them over.” He patted my hand before hobbling off to get what we needed.
I took a deep breath, prepared to walk out there and speak to everyone, but when I opened my eyes, I found Meadow being held by a stable hand. Arryn leaned down, answering my unspoken question. “I asked them to fetch her. We’ll ride out together, and you can address them from that vantage point.”
“Always so prepared, Sir,” I teased him while letting Baer help me up into the saddle before they mounted their own horses. Turning to Callum’s sister, I asked, “Join us?” She nodded and made to follow. Once I was facing the gates, I nodded at the soldiers who were waiting there. They swung them wide as I rode out, four of my consorts trailing behind me as I went to greet my people.
I stopped about twenty feet from the gates, the Keep towering in the background, a formidable image that hopefully assured the people that we could indeed protect them from Titania’s wrath. Waiting for them all to near me, I surveyed the worn appearance of the families with small children who carried little more than small bags between them. Others had carts with belongings and supplies, but most of them only had what they could physically carry. Their haggard appearances pulled at my heartstrings, and I felt the stirrings in my soul, the indication that Avalonia wanted me to speak to her people.
“People of Avalon,” I began, my voice projected thanks to my use of Baer’s air magic. “My heart is full to know that so many of you have made the journey based on Avalonia’s urgings. I know you’re all scared and worried about what we must face, but I promise you this: I will do everything in my power to protect you and restore the land to its previous glory.
“While here, all that I ask is that everyone helps each other. Share what you have with those who don’t have as much. Everyone will be fed and have shelter, but with so many new people, there will be more work to ensure that these things are possible. I ask that you meet with Lady Aurelia.” I turned and nodded at Callum’s sister, who rode to sit beside me, though slightly behind. “She will take your names, your skills, and will eventually be assigning everyone a job. Let her know what you believe you can contribute to the cause. Whatever it may be, it is no small part.
“If you can fight, great. However, should you be unable to, this does not mean that you bring less to the table. It simply means that you bring a different skill set. Soldiers need feeding, need armor and weapons, and need help with ensuring they are ready. Without someone to repair their armor, they are sure to perish in battle. Without a full belly, they won’t have the strength to fight. Without someone to care for their weapons, they won’t be able to keep us safe.
“So, you see, every job is important because it’s for the greater good. There is pride in every position, and each job will be just as important in ensuring that we can fight Titania, bringing her tyrannical rule to an end. Working together, we can all bring about the peace we are so desperate for. Together, we can free all of Avalon!” I ended my speech, letting the shouts of support ring out from the horde of people, near deafening in volume.
I grinned from ear to ear, so proud of my people. They were survivors, fighters, and rebuilders. This was exactly what we needed to be able to continue the war against Titania. The crowd began pressing forward, so I spoke up again. “Please line up in single file, and Lady Aurelia will take your information. We’ll get everyone settled for the evening, and then we’ll begin our efforts in the morning. Thank you all for coming. If there’s anything you need, please let Lady Aurelia or Juniper know. They will bring the issues to me and my consorts.”
Again, the crowd cheered and lined up to patiently be logged into our haphazard system. Callum’s sister dismounted, and two other women lined up beside her with paper and pens as she greeted them all. The soldiers spread out and began setting up tents to assign to travelers while also keeping an eye out for anyone who didn’t agree with the system. Surprisingly, there was no trouble.
Turning back to the gates, I found my grandfather grinning. “You were spectacular, dear,” he whispered to me, kissing my cheek with pride shining from his eyes.
Blushing, I glanced at the supplies he had gathered. “Is that everything we’ll need?” I asked, changing the subject.
“Yes. Let’s go out this way a little, and we’ll begin forming the shield.” He held my arm in the crook of his as we ambled to a good spot, one that left plenty of room for people to move about between the tents. Satisfied that we had given enough room, he set the supplies down.
He directed Baer and Nox to set up what we needed while I listened closely, trying to absorb as much information as I could. When it looked like they had it all ready, I asked, “So what do you need me to do?”
“Dip into your power, draw it up and into you like a spool of thread. Once you have it, say these words while directing the power out. It should feel like casting a net upon the water. Keep repeating the words until you feel it settle into place to cover the area like a bubble,” he instructed.
Nodding, I reviewed the words on the paper. Once I had them memorized, I called on my magic, which was eagerly waiting on me to use it, rising up to greet me like a dog would after an owner’s prolonged absence. I smiled as I spoke the spell, letting my magic unravel, pulling more and more of it to produce a thick shield that sat over the top of the Keep and the new travelers. All the while, I ensured I had a firm hold on it, not letting it slip while I cajoled it into forming what I needed.
When I had pulled on about half of my magic stores, I felt the spell click into place, indicating I had successfully created a shield. Smiling in triumph, I opened my eyes to find my men mirroring my expression. “How do you feel, child?” my grandfather asked.
“Good. I still have quite a bit left over; probably just over half of my magic is still there,” I answered honestly, hesitating over the last words as his eyes widened in shock.
“I knew my girl was powerful.” Lennox smirked, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing me on the cheek. I laughed at him, pleased with his words.
“Now, I need to speak with Juniper to see about that book, and Loki needs to replace the glamor,” I said, redirecting my attention to our next tasks.
Heading inside the gates, I found Juniper waiting for me. “I had a feeling you’d want to speak with me,” she said with an indulgent smile.
“That I do,” I answered, gesturing for her to walk with me. “How’d you lead everyone here?” I asked. My real questions were not something for the people to hear, but this was a safe enough topic.
“I felt the pull. Avalonia was calling me and several other staff members of Cashel Rí. It had become unsafe for us. Titania’s moves are becoming more frantic and desperate. Besides, there was no further information for me to learn, so it was time for me to leave,” she explained as we climbed the steps leading into the Keep.
“As our group of castle servants made our escape, we passed through villages, and in each one, we picked up more and more people who wanted to join the cause. Who was I to deny them. They were being called just as I was. They’d each heard of what Titania was doing to the villages that her soldiers passed through, burning everything to the ground unless they submitted to her,” she said sadly.