“But she's human?” a woman's voice sounded out, disgust at the prospect of such a thing dripping from her voice.
“But she is not,” Revna stated simply, her tone authoritative.
“How can this be?” another voice questioned.
“I have tested the veracity of this, so I know it to be true. The visitor is indeed High Fae, though she wears a remarkably strong glamor.”
“Why choose to walk around like one of them?” a council member called out.
“She has not exactly chosen to wear the glamor herself. It was placed on her and has not been breakable, even by the Queen and Master Jude. Someone cursed her with this glamor so that she could be raised on Earth.” Gasps resounded, and I flinched when the guards eyed me warily, unsure what to make of me. Great. Now they would all either hate me or pity me.
Turning to Ramund, I asked, “Is it absolutely necessary for her to reveal all of this to everyone?”
“We keep no secrets among us. If you wish to gain access, then we must be forthright with them,” he reasoned, glancing at me but maintaining his military bearing, shoulders back and head high, ready to be called upon at a moment’s notice. I groaned, still not happy at having my dirty laundry being aired for everyone.
“So why did she come here to us? If she's Chosen, then why is she not with the Queen?”
“If she is to be believed, then she is here because Titania has not accepted the results and seeks to crown another in an attempt to retain her throne and authority.” Revna further explained my current situation as more gasps sounded out.
“But how?”
“That was not information provided to me, but I'm not sure that the visitor is aware either. You may ask her when she makes her request of us.”
“Bring her in!” someone shouted, clearly eager to hear more.
“Let's vote. All in favor of allowing the visitor the opportunity to petition the council, say aye,” Revna asked the council members. The sound roared out, clearly in favor of granting me entrance. Squaring my shoulders and rolling my head on my neck, I shook out my arms as if getting ready to enter the cage for a fight. In all honesty, I was about to. Only this fight had more dire consequences and involved words instead of fists.
“Ramund, please bring in the visitor.” Chieftain Revna's words rang out.
The guards swung the doors wide at a nod from Ramund. I followed him into the chamber, Brannoc close at my heels, his eyes surveying the room for any threats. I was grateful to have him still on my side, even if he wasn't in my bed. It would allow me the chance to focus on speaking instead of watching my back.
Revna nodded to me, and I bowed slightly in deference to her, showing her the respect she commanded in her own domain. Upon rising, I glanced around to find that the entire room was full, every seat taken by a Raven. Their dark features stark against the pale wood. “Rhowyn, you may make your petition now. The floor is yours.” She gestured with a hand as she took a step back behind me.
Turning my back to her, I studied the room. “My name is Rhowyn Hunt, Chosen by Avalonia to be the next Queen of Avalon. However, the current Queen does not wish to see me take the throne, instead choosing to keep the power for herself by crowning a shill in my place. If she is allowed to do so, then the land will continue to destabilize, and magic will eventually cease to exist.”
Gasps sounded out. “What do you mean Avalon will continue to destabilize?”
“As I'm told and as I've seen, the land is failing, no longer producing the crops as it once did. The fringes furthest away from Cashel Rí have been withering, magic growing weak or wayward in those areas. Lower fae have been fleeing the destruction and making their way closer to the castle to avoid the destruction.”
“How's this possible?” another Raven questioned me.
I turned to face the direction of the voice. “I've been told that because of the imbalance brought on by Titania's quest for power, the land is suffering. It won't be long until no one will be able to deny the imbalance that she has created. She will continue to draw power to herself unless she is stopped.” I paused, allowing the consequences to sink in. “Unless I stop her. Avalonia has selected me and my consorts and mate to rise up against Titania and her quest for power.”
“But you're just a weak High Fae who can't even break a simple glamor.”
“You're right. I'm not as strong as others who have had more time to master their magics. I know very little about your people and your land. I'm ignorant of your history and ways, but that doesn't mean I'm powerless,” I told them, choosing to be fully honest with them.
“I'm a fighter. A survivor. I've faced many terrible odds in my life, and I've always come out on top. I don't back down, and I don't tolerate bullies. I refuse to allow Titania to go unchallenged. I will fight for my people, for my land in the hopes that I may one day be considered one of you. That, one day, we can all prosper in peace and harmony,” I vowed to them, hoping they believed me. I laid it all out there for them, relying on my gut that this was the best way to gain their trust.
“What is it that you seek, Chosen?” a Raven called out.
“I'm glad you asked. I seek access to the pure waters of Avalonia. The very waters you were tasked with protecting. It is the only way I can ascend to the throne. The only way I can gain access to the powers of Avalon, so I can fight against Titania.”
“And why should we grant you access? Why should we trust you?” This question sounded out from behind me, from Chieftain Revna.
“Because if you don't, then I will fail before I have even begun. I won't stand a chance against the power that Titania can bring, and eventually, the land and magic will fail. Avalonia will fade and so too will your little pocket of safety that she has granted you.”
A hiss sounded out. “You dare threaten us?”