She stood regally at the front of the room, flanked by two of her Consorts, her crown glittering in the lights. And yet, Rhowyn somehow outshone her, even in her muddy clothes and dirt-streaked face. Every gaze was on Rhowyn as she approached the Queen.
Curtsying, Rhowyn ducked her head in deference, yet she still seemed to possess the crowd who were glued to her every move. Unbeknownst to her, she had managed to capture the heart of the fae. Those who schemed saw her as something to use, and those who maintained their honor saw a young Chosen that stood up for what was right.
Rhowyn presented the cup the Lady had given her, keeping her head bowed. I could sense how much it irked her to show deference to the Queen, but she was nothing if not smart. She knew when the odds weren't in her favor, choosing instead to bide her time.
A nerve twitched in the Queen's cheek as she held her forced smile. “You may rise.”
As soon as Rhowyn had straightened back up, the Queen spoke again. “I am glad that the Chosen have made it back successfully and I gladly accept the boon you received from the Lady of the Lake.”
She moved to take the cup, Lennox speaking up, “The cup, once filled with a liquid, will never run dry.” Despite being the son of the Queen, I couldn't help but admire the man. I could sense his inner turmoil but knew that it was something he must deal with in his own time. He had to learn on his own just what his worth was.
“How delightful,” the Queen said, passing the jewel-encrusted goblet off to a waiting servant, a slight curling of her lip quickly hidden. “However, that is not why I have brought you all here tonight.”
Low murmurs crept through the crowd at this news, having assumed like we all had that the purpose of the reception was to celebrate the Chosen’s return after several days away from the castle.
Rhowyn’s small frame stiffened almost imperceptibly in anticipation while everyone simply remained confused as to what the Queen’s purpose was for the evening. My magic coiled around me as I pulled it up from my core, only held in check by my resolve. Just in case I needed it, I wanted to have it ready at a moment’s notice.
In every fiber of my being, I felt the call of danger. Alarm bells rang through me as I waited for the Queen’s pronouncement. She held out the moment, basking in the rapt attention that had grasped the Court, waiting until silence had fallen, each member waiting with bated breaths for whatever was to come next.
“I have gathered you all here to bear witness to an unprecedented moment. A traitor has found themselves in our midst and twisted the very proceedings of the trials for their own gain,” the Queen gloated as the crowd gasped in horror, a single intake of breath that held everyone’s attention raptly. Unlike before, no one dared speak. The glint of malice and malevolence that sparkled in her eyes hinted at what awaited this traitor and any who dared interrupt the proceedings.
“It seems this traitor has been among us for some time, garnering our trust and preying on our generosity. I was deeply saddened by this development and have struggled with the best way to move forward. Due to the unprecedented nature of this criminal being selected as a Consort, I’ve determined that the best way to move forward is to have him executed for his crimes against the Crown and all of Avalon.” She paused again for dramatic effect.
Titania enjoyed nothing more than the power and control she could exert in these situations, often dragging them out longer than necessary, simply so she could enjoy the moment. Sadist that she was, she lived for these displays. Both the pain and the power satisfied her to the point that she often escalated to gain a greater high.
“We cannot allow such a devious person to continue in the trials for fear that they will ascend to a position of power over all of us, should their Chosen win the trials. It saddens me to have to take this stand, but I do it so Avalon remains safe from those who seek to destroy us.” She pouted, a frown pulling her full lips down, but even that move couldn’t hide the sparkle of excitement that danced in her eyes. However, no one would dare intervene or point out that her cultivated act was clearly seen through by all.
“Bernard, will you please bring the traitor forward to face his judgment?” Titania spoke her demand to her Winter Consort, who was now standing in the rear of the room flanked by the Summer Consort.
He stalked his way through the crowd, which parted for him until he drew near both groups of Consorts and Chosen. My body tensed as he hesitated for a brief moment, giving away nothing of who his intended target was. All eyes were on him as he paused, surging forward in a single swift movement to clasp the arm of the traitor.
Rhowyn gasped, and her muscles tensed even further as she realized who they had detained. I could see clearly that she wouldn’t take this lying down and was preparing to respond.
“Arryn Oakley, you have been found guilty of treason of the highest order. For that, you will be executed tonight,” the Queen declared as her Consorts began to drag him forward.
Time stood still, Rhowyn’s eyes meeting mine. How she had found me while hidden in the shadows I didn’t know, but I would file it away to dissect later when we had gotten Arryn out of this mess. She mouthed to me, “Protect them.” A determined look settled onto her face as she reached for her hip, drawing a knife.
I knew then what she was planning. The Queen had no authority over her until the trials were complete, but that didn’t mean her men had the same leniency. As much as they all would hate me, I did what Rhowyn asked, knowing there was no way to protect them all. Someone would have to be sacrificed, and right now, Rhowyn had the best chance at survival, but only if I got her men out of this.
Drawing a knife so quickly that I barely saw it, Rhowyn threw it at the Winter Consort, her blade striking true. She immediately followed the trajectory of her throw, knocking into the other man holding Arryn captive.
Rhowyn’s men rushed after her, but before they could reach her, I clasped them in my shadows, swooping in to grab Arryn as well. Between the span of two heartbeats, I had snatched them from the trouble that was about to ensue, whisking them all to safety.
The last thing I saw was Rhowyn standing proudly and defiantly, relaxed now that her men were safe, as guards swarmed her, and the Queen’s magic lashed out in true anger. In that moment, a piece of my bored nature cracked. For once, I found I was invested in this diminutive creature who somehow showed more strength than any other I had faced.
Feeling a tug toward her, calling me back to her, I did the hardest thing I had ever done. I honored her wishes and left her there to deal with the Queen’s wrath. Completely and utterly alone.