Page 71 of Their Trials

He sighed at this information, his eyes closing. “Just do as I say. I'll get us out of this.”

A laugh sounded out from the kobolds after his words, as if there was no possible way he could uphold that promise. I did shiver at that, unable to keep the fear from sinking into my bones, but I trusted Callum. He wouldn't make false promises. He'd get us out of this somehow.

His hands that were still gripping my hips pushed me backward slowly as he slid out from under me. Neither of us dared to move too swiftly; any quick movements could set the beings upon us. I bit my lip to keep myself from shaking, feeling absolutely defenseless in this moment. I was completely at the mercy of these creatures and whatever magic Callum could work.

“Back up slowly,” Callum whispered to me. “Don't stand. Just move as slowly as you can manage.” Doing as he said, I awkwardly made my way to the mouth of the cave, the air cooling as I inched further and further away from the fire.

Callum slowly rolled to his stomach, his palms flat on the ground as if he was getting ready to do a push-up. We never let the creatures out of our sight as we moved. Their creepy laughs would haunt my nightmares for quite a while.

As Callum pushed up to his knees, the creatures surged forward as if of one mind. There was no call to action, no signal to charge, just a single attack with no catalyst. They surged around Callum, swarming him completely, their grotesque bodies now visible in the firelight. I shuddered at the image of the creatures, their skin so translucent that you could see all their blood vessels and organs underneath, their joints backward and pointed in unnatural directions. They swarmed us, some defying gravity by running on all fours along the ceiling as if getting ready to drop on our heads.

Callum was overrun, the swarm surrounding him until I couldn't see him. “Callum!” I yelled out in fear. He'd said he had this under control, but he hadn't even put up a fight!

I backed up, now at the mouth of the cave, as the kobolds completely focused on Callum, searching within me for even a spark of magic to help him. “No!” I cried out on a gasp, my sob choking me. I needed to help him, but I didn't know how. I couldn't even get a trickle of magic to come to me. Usually, I could pull from the guys, but nothing was coming to me. Somehow, I was completely spent.

A shiver went through the swarm that had swallowed Callum, almost like a wave moves a surfer, until the creatures stumbled back away from him, barking in fear. Their entire focus was now on where Callum had been, but I couldn't make out what was going on in the shadows.

A deep growl sounded out, echoing along the walls of the cave ominously. What else could we possibly face? I thought on a sob, tears welling in my eyes. I was so far out of my depth that I knew I wouldn't survive without at least one of my guys. I was completely dependent upon them during these trials and in this world. Especially now that I couldn’t access any of my own magic.

The kobolds were thrown to the walls of the cave in one single instant, many being knocked out cold and slumping to the ground. Yet, there were too many who remained conscious and waiting for their opportunity to attack. Growls continued to echo out around me until I could finally make out the source.

Coming to stand on all fours, a huge wolf, whose head reached my shoulders, shook off the remaining kobolds as if they were drops of water. Unable to contain my shock, I gasped, “You're a fucking dire wolf!”

Apparently, Callum had been holding out on me. I vaguely remembered him telling me that Autumn Fae could shift into creatures, but I hadn't expected to find a creature straight out of Game of Thrones. “What the fuck!” I snapped, wondering now if I could do the same with Callum's magic.

The creatures barked, similar to the sounds of hyenas, and attacked Callum, no longer seeing me as a threat, their entire focus centered on bringing him down. One sickening creature held onto his shoulders as the others swarmed his body and legs. He bucked and thrashed, slashing out with his claws and teeth, latching onto anything he could get a hold of. He threw one creature against the wall with the toss of his head, only to have another take its place. Watching him was hypnotic and awe-inspiring.

I couldn't help the stirring of lust that pooled in my core at his defense of me. Seeing someone defend me with tooth and nail, literally, set me on fire, lust consuming me like the flames on old wood.

Desperate to help but unsure of how exactly to do that when I had no access to magic, I kept my distance. I could hold my own against humanoid creatures in a physical combat situation, but these fae were more animal than human, and there was nothing I could do.

Instead, I toyed with the necklace that the Queen had given me as I watched Callum slowly but surely dispatch all the creatures. He performed a dance of death unlike anything I had ever seen, his movements fluid and graceful despite the life-and-death battle he was currently engaged in.

After what felt like both minutes and hours, Callum finally swiped a massive paw against the final kobold, sending it flying into the depths of the cave way beyond the light of the fire.

His chest heaved massive breaths, in and out, his dark black coat marred with shiny spots that could only be blood. Then he turned his attention to me, and I froze.

He padded toward me, his shoulders rolling as he stalked me on silent feet. A low rumble sounded from his chest, and it took all I had not to piss myself. Holy shit! He was terrifying.

Holding my breath, I let him approach. His warm breath caressed my skin as he sniffed me all over, his massive head almost at eye level. His moist nose ran along my throat to my ear, and it took everything I had to keep the shiver in.

A rumble vibrated through my bones. If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn this wolf was purring. Building up my courage, I laid a hand on his neck, gripping his fur between my fingers. It was softer than I expected, almost like sinking my fingers into a cloud. I rubbed his neck and watched as his eyes closed in pleasure, his hind leg coming up to scratch at his belly.

I stifled a laugh, knowing I'd hit his ticklish spot. I was never going to let him live this down now. Biting down on my lips, I let his wolf get to know me as I slowly relaxed, no longer afraid he would attack me.

His large head nudged me toward the fire, causing me to stumble before catching myself, barely keeping myself from eating the dirt along the cave floor. Taking the hint, I walked back toward the fire and sat down.

I expected him to shift back at this point, but he remained in dire wolf form, his yellowish-orange eyes never leaving me. I couldn't help but think how much his eyes reminded me of the flames that were dancing before us, keeping us both warm and safe.

He head-butted me again, almost knocking me completely over. Apparently, he wanted me to go to sleep. I barely caught myself from landing on my back with a hand bent behind me. “Okay, okay. I get the hint,” I assured him. He huffed out a breath, stirring my hair in response.

“Surely you don't think there's any way I can sleep now? My adrenaline is still flowing, and I'm wide awake.” I tried to explain to this beast.

His chest rumbled, the vibrations making their way to me through the rock. He head-butted me again, this time successful in his attempt to get me on my back.

“Fine,” I huffed out, knowing he wouldn't relent until I was at least laying down. I expected him to trot away, to go stand watch at the mouth of the cave. Instead, he did the last thing I expected of him. He laid down beside me, his massive body radiating heat and keeping my back warm. It felt like being swaddled in a protective blanket, and despite my predictions that I was too amped up to sleep, I promptly nodded off, safe with Callum watching my back.

Chapter Thirty Two: Callum