Page 31 of Their Trials

“Looks like,” Arryn said in response, taking the lead again. Dragging our feet, we followed, all of us worn down from the day.

Trying to keep our spirits up and our thoughts off of everything that we'd been through, I decided to ask a question that had been weighing on me. “So, I know we don't really know anything about the trials beforehand, but how does Master Jude know how to set everything up? This seems like it would take a long time to get everything ready.” I felt the need to call him Master, wanting to give him the respect he was due while others were watching and listening in.

Baer chimed in, “In times before, the Head Priest, which would be Master Jude in our case, would go to the pure waters of Avonmora. These waters are found under the protection of the priests in the main temple here in Tir Na Siorai. It's said that drinking from the waters allows visions from the land and Avalonia herself.”

I interrupted him. “Who's this Avalonia person? I've heard y'all mention the name before but didn't think anything of it. Are they like a God?”

He smiled at me. “She is our goddess and the land that imbues us with our magics, foods, and lives.”

“So why call her by both names? Why not just say Avalonia?”

“I don't really know. I guess that's just how it's always been done. Growing up, it's how I heard my parents and grandparents refer to her, as the land. I've never really thought much about it.”

“Okay. So, Avalonia sends visions to those who drink from her pure waters?”

“Yup. It's also said that if you drink enough of the waters, you can speak to Avalonia herself. Although, everyone who has tried so far has died, unable to withstand the visions and power that courses through them.”

“Damn. Remind me not to drink the water,” I joked, nudging my shoulder into his. He took my hand in his in response, threading our fingers together.

“Okay. So, Master Jude drinks the waters and receives a vision of the trials or whatever it is that he needs to do to prepare for them? I would think he'd need more time than what he had this time around. Is it possible to get the visions sooner?” I asked Baer, wanting to learn more about this land and their history. It was a safe topic and not one I feared having to hide from the Bitch Queen or the others that were watching our every move.

The guys were listening in. Arryn, Lennox, and Callum ahead of us, but their heads were turned slightly toward us as they walked. They kept the pace slow and adjusted to ensure Baer and I were able to keep up while scanning our surroundings for further threats or clues to where we needed to go.

“Yes. Other priests have tried to drink the waters ahead of the trials, hoping to have more time to prepare, but they never received an answer. Avalonia only gives an answer when she's ready. Which means, the priests only have a short amount of time to set up. It's done this way in order to prevent favoritism or cheating. All it takes is one priest to betray his order with loose lips, hoping to gain favor with a future queen, to slant the trials into their favor,” Baer finished his explanation, pulling me closer into his side.

I wrapped my arm around his side, loving his constant need for my touch. “That makes sense. We definitely don't need to be at a greater disadvantage, so I'm glad there are safeguards in place.”

“You can say that again,” Lennox said, turning to smile at me. Something had been off with him since the Ankou. He was still saying all the normal things, but he seemed a little more subdued.

It was then that I noticed that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, the sparkle missing. Instead, his eyes revealed his sadness, no hint of the usual glint of mirth. I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed Bear's cheek, squeezing his hand briefly before pulling away.

As if he knew my intentions, he gave a gentle nod of his head, indicating I should comfort Lennox. I hadn't thought they'd all be so comfortable with sharing me. Human men were always jealous and possessive of women, a stark contrast to the way these men knew how to support each other in their pursuit of the same woman.

By demonstrating their openness, it allowed me to adjust smoothly into the idea of being with them all. The thought of having and keeping them all was too much for me right now, not while I needed to focus on the current threats against me. My uncertainty about whether or not I could handle them was still present, weighing on me in the back of my mind. I knew I would have to be vulnerable with them if I had any hope of keeping them all happy, and that scared me more than I cared to admit.

I approached Lennox and took his hand in mine, squeezing it in a show of support and comfort. He looked down at me, smiling sadly and giving only me a glimpse of his pain. In that moment, my heart broke for him.

I wanted to do whatever was necessary to heal him, wanted to see only happiness when he looked at me. I knew he'd have to do some of that work himself. No one person could be the sole reason for another's happiness. That was too much for one person to bear. But I could help him find that happiness for himself.

I smiled up at him encouragingly, leaning my head on his shoulder briefly, letting him know I was here for him. Before I could pull away, his free hand found the back of my head, holding it there as he brushed it down my hair.

Letting me go, we continued walking. There wasn't a turn or change in direction in sight, and the walls hadn't moved in quite some time. I couldn't help but hope that they were finally done shifting around and leading us astray.

A growl, similar to that of a mountain lion or panther, the screeching howl that they were known for, sounded out behind us. We all stopped in our tracks, looking behind us for the source. I squeezed Lennox's hand, curling my body into his and holding his bicep with my free hand so I could see behind me.

“Do you guys see anything?” I asked. At the denials I saw on their faces, I asked, “Could it be a glamor? Like the quicksand?” My tone rose in fear of what else we were about to face.

“Baer is still drained and so am I. Anyone else have any magic left?” Arryn whispered to us.

Lennox turned to Arryn. “I've still got access to mine, but I'm not sure how useful it would be here.”

“I've still got a little left, but not much. Trouble?” Callum turned to me, his eyebrows raised in question.

I reached down to my core, trying to focus while my heart raced, my descent easier than ever before. Seemed I was finally getting the hang of all this. I answered him, my eyes still closed as I tried to make my best guess. “I think I have some still left. I don't really know how to judge my limits since I've never had to use this much magic.”

Arryn nodded as another growl sounded out closer to us than before. Fuck! Whatever it was, it was stalking us while we stood here. “Do we have any idea what it might be?” I asked them, holding myself still. I'd read once that if you ever came across a large predator, running or fast movements would only cause it to attack.

Not one of them had an answer for me. Great. Okay, think Rhowyn. “Should we make a run for it? At least until it shows itself?” I asked them.