“Sorry. Sometimes my big mouth says more than it should.” I laughed as if I had been joking, and she seemed to relax slightly.
“Oh,” she said, and I could see that I had managed to make her uncomfortable.
“It has its moments, though. It can be beautiful and amazing, and some of the people are the best I've ever known,” I said, doing my best to dig myself out of the hole I’d found myself in.
Before we could speak more, someone stepped onto the podium in front of us all. “I better be getting back to my guys. Good luck, Charity,” I told her honestly. She seemed like she might need it.
“You too!” she called out as I walked the short distance back to my guys.
“What was that all about?” Lennox leaned over to whisper in my ear.
“I just wanted to meet someone other than you guys. A girl who might understand what I'm going through. You know, a friend? You've had those before, right?” I asked him sarcastically.
He frowned at me, and Baer laughed. He opened his mouth to speak, but the announcer cleared his throat, drawing all of our attention.
“Thank you all for getting here so quickly. The first trial will begin shortly. But first, I wanted to remind everyone that for the first time ever, you will all be monitored by every fae in the land. Not just those in the stands will be able to witness history in the making, but those unable to join the festivities, thanks to our gracious Queen.” He turned to gesture to the Queen, who was sitting in the stands in a plush box area, a miniature throne beneath her.
“Master Jude will now explain what to expect during the first trial, as it has been revealed to us.” He then turned to Master Jude, who was in his official robes, standing to the side.
“Thank you, Oliver. Thank you for being our Chosen and Consorts. I have just received the reveal of the trials, and it will be a true testament to your strengths and your weaknesses.” He paused to let that information sink in and allow everyone the chance to quiet down again. The hushed whispers amongst each group grew with that information, some worried and some with excitement.
“Each group will begin with a weapon of their choice and in separate areas. You will enter the maze behind me with the ultimate goal of reaching the center, where the prize for the first team to arrive will be revealed.
“Normally, there are no extra prizes awarded, as the right to compete for the prestigious position of Queen is reward enough on its own, but Queen Titania has taken it upon herself to offer up extra benefits for those who show promise throughout the trials,” Master Jude explained, clearly not happy about the reward system.
Each group's excitement rose at the thought of getting a step up on their competition and started to push closer to the podium. Master Jude raised both hands, trying to placate the growing fervor of the crowd. “Please remain calm. We will get everyone into position, and then we will start. Please listen for your Chosen's name to be called and follow quickly,” he instructed before stepping down to allow another priest to step forward to call out names, assigning each group to a priest to show us to our individual starting points.
We all stood there, quietly waiting for our turn. Halfway through, my name was called, and we all filed forward, pushing through the remaining Chosen and Consorts to reach the front where a young priest awaited us.
“Please follow me,” he said before rushing off. We all followed him to an area in front of a wooden door. I turned to him in question.
He ducked his head. “When the bell sounds, open the door and walk through to begin your first trial. What weapons have you all decided on?” he asked as he gestured to a table full of all different types and sizes.
The guys all stepped forward to select their weapons, and I waited, not sure what to choose other than the knives I had on me already. “Can I use my own knives?” I asked the boy.
“I'm sorry, Chosen. You must release them to me for now and select only one weapon from the table.”
I walked over and eyed each of the weapons. Some could have been more appropriately called tools, and I found myself waffling, uncertain about which one to choose.
Callum stepped up beside me, reaching across me for a mid-sized knife, then he held it out to me. “Here. This is a good size for you.”
I went to take the knife, but before my hand closed over the hilt, I pulled my hand back. A tingling in my fingers distracted me, and I moved my hand over the table. As I hovered my hand on the right side of the table, the tingling grew stronger, as if something was guiding me.
I followed the guide until my hand floated over a nondescript rope, bundled up like climbing rope with a carabiner attached. The sensation and my gut were telling me to select this as my weapon, though I couldn't explain it.
“I'll take this,” I told the priest as I snatched up the rope before I could second guess myself. I had learned to trust my instincts, the hard way, and right now, they were screaming at me.
“Why the hell would you pick the rope?” Callum snapped at me, tossing the knife back down on the table and stomping after me as I approached the door.
“Because my gut told me to,” I snapped back, refusing to respond to him further. I didn't have to explain myself to him, especially not with that attitude.
“Are you sure?” Arryn questioned me further.
“Absolutely,” I said, though I felt the need to explain why I was so certain to him. “I can't explain it, but I felt a tingling, tugging sensation that pulled me to the rope. I decided to trust my instincts.”
“How can you be sure it was you and not some trick placed on the items by someone else?” Callum exclaimed.
“I can't. But it feels right,” I reiterated my decision. The feeling hadn't felt malicious, more like a guide or suggestion trying to help me.