Page 27 of Their Chosen

“What makes you think the sentiment is returned?” she asked, her voice husky and as intoxicating as her scent.

I chuckled softly, leaning down to whisper in her ear, wanting to shock her now that we'd started down this road. “I'm certain that if I were to put my hand down your pants and slide my fingers in that cunt, I'd find it dripping wet for me.”

She inhaled with a soft sound, her chest brushing against mine, her nipples tightening at the brief contact. Fuck, I could lose myself in her. All the more reason to make her leave before I found myself more trapped than I already was.

As I stood back up, I noted her closed eyes that opened slowly, sensing the movement, though they remained hooded as she gazed back at me. She smiled at me, her eyes narrowing with a mischievous look as she said, “As if I'd ever let you in my pants. I'm sure I could find anyone more agreeable than you.” She shoved me back away from her, catching me off guard completely and landing me on my ass in the dirt.

I laughed out loud, which was completely out of character for me, but I found myself enjoying the mental sparring. She lifted one eyebrow with a one-sided smirk before she shook her head and turned to walk away again. “Goodnight, Lennox!” she called over her shoulder.

I reached my hand down my own pants and readjusted myself with a groaning laugh. Blue balls tomorrow while horseback riding would not be fun, but once we were back at the castle, I could find another warm pussy to sink into. At least one that didn't have nearly as many strings attached.

I couldn't help but notice her hips had a little more sway in them as she walked away, probably headed to her own tent. For a split second, I was tempted to chase her down despite the consequences, but I let the moment pass instead. The cost would be too steep, and I wasn't even close to being ready to pay that price. I picked myself up off the ground, noting my buzz was already fading after my blood flow had increased so drastically to other regions. As I turned to head to my own tent, contemplating whether I should take care of myself or not, Arryn stepped out of the shadows. By the look on his face, he’d seen the whole interaction. He shuttered his emotions quickly, his expression giving nothing away, but I was certain I'd seen anger before he’d done so.

He walked up to me, no evidence of that anger now, and I made a mental note to watch him more closely. Someone who could hide their thoughts so easily was not someone to be trifled with. “She has a point, you know,” he said without any animosity, and rather like he was discussing the weather.

“And what point exactly is that, Captain?” I said his title to remind him he was overstepping, forgetting his place.

“That as one of the Chosen, she deserves a certain level of respect as a possible future queen and that it’s my duty to ensure the health and safety of the Queen and the Chosen.”

“Hmph. Of course it is.” I tilted my head to study him, speaking under my breath but knowing he heard me all the same. “And what risk to her safety do I present?”

He replied, still stoic in his assessment of me, “None that I can tell. At the moment.”

“Careful, Captain. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you’d forgotten your place and gone sweet on our Chosen knowing that nothing could ever happen.” He turned his head to look into the dark toward the spot where Rhowyn had disappeared, hands clasped behind his back. A muscle in his jaw ticked faintly, the only evidence my words were hitting their mark.

He turned back to me. “I'm not likely to forget my duties any time soon, Your Highness. Good evening.” He bowed to me before turning to leave. All the formality we'd had before our trip to Earth back in place.

It was for the better, but a part of me missed the camaraderie we’d shared before I had replaced the walls and façade in preparation for our return tomorrow.

Finally alone again, the way I'd been for the last several years, I returned to my tent. The weight on my shoulders returned, crushing me slowly. I had to get away from it all one way or another. The only certainty was that I couldn't continue like this much longer.

Chapter Thirteen: Rhowyn

I woke to clanging noises, startled and unsure of where I was, but yesterday's events made themselves known when I started to move. My body ached all over as if I'd been hit by a truck. Sleeping on the ground all night hadn't helped the stiffness and pain any, that was for sure. I groaned as I pushed myself up to a sitting position, light filtering through the tent flap, letting me know it was morning. Unsuccessfully, I rubbed my hands over my eyes, trying to wake further. I could really use some coffee right about now.

I stretched my arms despite the protest screaming at me from my muscles. From experience, I knew that the soreness would work itself out once I got moving around, so I pushed up to standing, sliding my boots on in hopes of finding some caffeine.

I wandered through the camp, people already tearing it down in preparation for another long day of travel. As I reached the spot Baer had brought me for dinner last night, I found Arryn giving instructions to some of his men. I approached him, waiting for him to finish speaking to them, rubbing sleep from my eyes and sending up a small prayer that they had some coffee.

He turned to face me, a small smile on his lips as he took in my rumpled state. “Good morning, Rhowyn. Sleep well?” The corner of his mouth twitched at the question, lifting higher than the other side briefly.

“I've had worse nights, so I can't complain too much.” I smiled up at him as he drew nearer to me and tilted my head to meet his eyes. “Although a cup of coffee would go a long way toward making my morning better?” My statement was delivered as a question.

He laughed softly. “Baer guessed you might be needing some. Normally, we don't have any coffee in Avalon, but we brought plenty back with us for this reason.” He winked playfully, causing my weak knees to almost give out on me.

“I'll be sure to thank him for his foresight. I wouldn't have even thought to ask about that.” I took the mug he offered me and groaned at the first sip of heaven, my eyes shutting to savor the taste.

When I opened my eyes again to tell him thanks, I caught him staring at my mouth. I licked my lips, my stomach rolling with butterflies and awareness of the man before me. Slowly his eyes met mine. Unsure what else to say or do, I said, “Thank you,” meaning it. I wasn’t much of a morning person, but without my morning coffee, I could be a downright witch, and I definitely didn't want to start my day like that.

“It was my pleasure.” He nodded at me. Movement elsewhere in the camp caught his attention, and he finally glanced away from me. Noticing the approach of another soldier, he turned back to me. “We should be ready to leave in the next twenty to thirty minutes. Then we'll be on our way to the castle, hopefully arriving just after lunch.”

“Will we keep the same pace we did yesterday?” I asked, forcing myself to accept whatever answer he gave but desperately hoping for a much more sedate journey here on out.

“Yes, that’s the current plan. That way, we can arrive in time for whatever the Queen has planned for you while also allowing you time to freshen up,” he said, but I knew our conversation was over as the soldier stepped up next to him. “Excuse me, Rhowyn. I must finish overseeing our preparations.”

“Of course. I have what I need now,” I replied, lifting my mug slightly. “Thanks again.” I took another sip of the glorious nectar while he studied me as if unsure if I would be okay. “Go, I'll be fine,” I told him, smiling as he took me at my word and left to address whatever issues had arisen while helping me.

I watched him leave, his long legs carrying him away from me swiftly, and finished up my coffee. Once I was done, I handed my cup to the soldier who was packing up all the provisions and headed back to my tent. As I changed, I pulled my leggings down quickly to switch them for a pair of blue jeans. The fabric caught slightly and opened the friction burns on my inner thighs. I gasped, cursing at the sudden pain. Fuck! Today was really going to suck!