“Absolutely. Where and when?” she said, standing on her own so he wouldn't tower over her.
I grinned openly at their antics, Arryn watching them impassively, and Callum with a scowl. Callum must be a little old fashioned, but he'd soon learn that Rhowyn wouldn't take orders from anyone, and that's one of the things I loved most about her.
“Tomorrow morning in the training room. After getting beat in combat, we can also teach you how to access your magic.”
“Sounds perfect, except the only ass kicking will be done by me. I just hope I don't embarrass you too badly when it's all said and done.” She goaded him even more but was smiling. Apparently, the threat of combat was exciting for her. I'd just add it to the ever-growing list of things that turned me on about her.
I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into my lap, not thinking as I said, “Easy there, Killer! Save some of that feisty for the other Chosen in the trials.”
She laughed out loud, caught off guard. Arryn smiled too, Lennox still smirked cockily, but Callum remained stoic through it all. That man was a hard one to read. I didn't envy Rhowyn the task of having to deal with him.
“Speaking of trials,” Arryn spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention. “Now that we've met all the Chosen and their Consorts, I'm confident that between us, we should be able to put together a list of their magics and temperaments that we can use to help Rhowyn to be more prepared. We should also work out a rotation to train her in our magic and in weaponry. Some history and decorum would also be useful for her in preparation.
“We’ll continue to watch her room, and it's probably wise not to allow her to go anywhere alone in case she's ambushed again. I'm thinking we can start now on developing this list while she relaxes. Baer, you can stay with her until dinner. I'm pretty sure that between the three of us, we can put together everything she’ll need.
“Anybody have any questions or input?” he asked, taking charge of our motley group just like he did his elite unit in the Queen's Army.
I was pretty easy to please, always rolling with the punches, so I didn't have anything to add from my end.
“If it means I can have some time to myself, I may try to do some training while y'all work on that list. I'm really hoping I can trust y'all have my best interests at heart, but I'm not sure if I'll ever be the type to sit back and let men dictate my life, so don't get used to it. Besides, that whole list thing sounds so boring, even if I can see how useful it might be. I'd rather be anywhere else,” Rhowyn said, standing.
We all chuckled softly, and Arryn nodded. “That sounds like a great idea,” he told her, while I stood up to follow her.
Once we’d gotten a little ways away, I asked, “Did you have a specific idea of training in mind?”
“Well, I'd love to find a heavy bag, something I could hit and kick. It's been forever since I've gone this long without training, and it's driving me bonkers,” she said, glancing up at me as we headed to her room.
She opened the door, pausing as I spoke. “Get changed. I think I have just the place for you to train.”
“Give me five minutes, and I'll be ready.” She smiled at me before entering her room and closing the door behind her.
I stood there, pushing my hands into my pockets as I waited for her, my gaze skipping over the guys sitting in chairs now as Arryn wrote down their list. I could hear her rustling around in the room behind me as she changed, and I couldn't help the turn my thoughts took.
I imagined her standing before me, stripping off her clothes to reveal her breasts and pussy to me. I wondered if her breasts were perky without the bra and if her nipples would be a pale pink or a dusky rose. Not that it would matter all that much, but I couldn't stop wondering about how she'd taste or what she'd feel like underneath me. I desperately wanted to cup her breasts in one hand and her pussy in the other, to play with her until I figured out what exactly got her going. I needed to hear the noises she emitted as I explored her body slowly before plunging myself deep inside her, letting her milk my cock until we both couldn't stand it any longer.
Fuck! I shifted on my feet at the thought and tried to discreetly readjust myself, wiggling my legs inside my pants, careful not to brush my cock. Any touch could set me off, and that would be embarrassing. I wasn't some young and inexperienced fae. I'd had plenty of women fae and humans alike although nothing had ever been too serious, and none had ever made me feel as attracted as Rhowyn did.
That part was all new to me. I wasn't used to constants or consistency. Living the life of an explorer kept me busy, and the details ever-changing. It was how I liked things, and was all I really knew. This whole consort thing would test my ability to settle down. Especially if we won the trials and Rhowyn became queen. I'd be expected to stay in one place for the rest of my long life or until the new queen and consorts took our place.
For some reason though, I wasn't terrified at the prospect. If anything, I knew Rhowyn would be a much better queen than the one we had now. Although, that wasn't really saying much since our current queen was more of a terrifying tyrant. My gut was telling me that even if we managed to win the trials, the battle for the crown would only just be beginning. That wasn't anything I wanted myself or Rhowyn to be a part of since it would most likely result in our deaths.
However, we had to train her well enough to survive the trials since those could also be just as deadly. No one ever knew what the trials would be since they were always different. We would just have to train and prepare her as best we could and then hope that nothing bad happened along the way.
The door behind me opened, and I stumbled backward, almost falling down, completely caught off guard. I laughed after I righted myself and saved my dignity. I hadn't been paying attention and didn't hear her approach. I should have been more alert instead of lost in my own thoughts. What if she'd been attacked or hurt, and I hadn't heard it. I frowned slightly until I caught sight of her. She was wearing a sleeveless tank top, skintight leggings, and a pair of flip flops. The sleeves were loose enough I could catch glimpses of her turquoise bra underneath that set off her darker skin. Her hair was still in the long braid from before, but some hair had escaped and was now framing her face, brushing against her neck.
I resisted my need to readjust my now hardening cock again, instead asking, “Are you ready?”
She grinned broadly, almost bouncing with energy and excitement. “I'm always ready to kick ass.”
I laughed at her and led the way out of our suite and to a smaller training room that would hopefully be empty. On our way, she pulled out her cell phone and started tapping on it. “I'm sure no one's told you yet that electronics drain our magic, which is why we have none here and avoid Earth for the most part,” I told her, as she continued messing with her phone.
“Really?” She glanced at me with surprise. “I've never had any problems before.”
“Probably because your magic was locked away. Our magic doesn't bother technology, but it bothers and drains our magic with prolonged exposure.”
“That's interesting. I guess I'm going to have to find a balance. I'm a huge music person, especially when training. Besides, my phone has all my pictures and stuff on it. I was hoping to find somewhere to charge it soon, but I guess that's out of the question.” She frowned at that, her disappointment evident.
“Here,” I said, opening the door to the training room for her. I was hoping the magic of the castle would provide her with a punching bag and equipment, figuring this would be the most likely place.