Rhowyn's eyes flashed with anger at Lennox's tone, and I found I was quite amused at her reaction to him. This was no timid mouse before me, which boded well for me. The woman who would be queen needed a backbone of steel.
Before she could lash him with her tongue, Baer spoke up. “We have to sit through the introductions of all the Chosen and their Consorts. Part of the introductions will include their Courts and affinities, which is necessary should we continue in the trials.”
She nodded. “That makes sense. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”
Baer laughed as she sipped her drink. “Exactly,” he said, beaming with pride at her and causing her cheeks to pink slightly.
I was slowly starting to see the dynamics for the four of them. All three were completely taken with her, though Lennox held himself back and was trying desperately to push her away for some reason. Though, if I had to guess, after having grown up with him, it had to do with him actually liking her and still having no freedom.
I made a mental note to speak with him privately later to get to the bottom of it. We'd need him fully on board if we were to win the trials, and failure was not an option for me. I'd do whatever it took to ensure our success.
Chapter Twenty Two: Rhowyn
As the guys spoke in generalities and pleasantries, I studied our newest addition. He was absolutely stunning with his messy, dark auburn hair that made me want to sink my fingers into it and pull. He had sleepy bedroom eyes, dark green with copper flecks that seemed to dance like flames. His broad shoulders and narrow hips hinted that he was meant to be bulkier, but he had lean muscles, and his face was almost too gaunt.
I had so many questions for him but knew this wasn't the time or place. Too many eyes and ears everywhere. It made my skin crawl to think about it too much. Thankfully, Baer and Arryn provided plenty of distraction while Lennox sulked like a petulant child, and Callum remained mostly silent, only speaking when necessary.
The Queen stood, all eyes immediately going straight to her. Silence quickly fell over the room without any prompting, which I found odd.
“Thank you all for joining us today,” she began, her words warm and congenial, at odds with the derisive tone she had used last night when speaking to Jude and me. “Today is for introductions amongst fellow Chosen and Consorts, though many of you may already know several fae present. We’ll introduce everyone to the people when the first trial begins. For today, we’ll start with this side,” she gestured to the other table beside us, “and work our way back to the end of the table before starting on the other table to finish with those seated on this end.” This time, she gestured to me and the guys.
She continued quickly, not pausing in her instructions. “Jensen will introduce each Chosen once they stand from their seats in front of the others before then introducing their Consorts. He’ll include Court affiliations and affinities. Any questions before we begin?” she asked as her eyes scanned everyone present.
I had a feeling that even if someone did have a question, they wouldn't dare ask it. After no one spoke up, she turned to Jensen, the same fae who had announced Lennox and I last night, and then moved to take her seat again.
He bowed deeply before straightening and came to stand to one side. He held an open palm facing upward and lifted, the other tucked behind his back, indicating the first Chosen and her Consorts should rise.
Once they were standing in front of everyone, he spoke loudly but without strain or the need to yell. I wondered if he was using magic to project his voice since it was sure and steady as he spoke. “Your Majesty, I present Coral Shore of the Spring Court. Her affinities are air and water. James Oakman is her first consort...”
He droned on, but I found it hard to focus, much less to remember all their names, courts, affinities, and consorts. It was honestly just too much. Thankfully, Arryn seemed to be paying close attention and would hopefully be able to help me later if I needed it. The whole thing seemed pompous and silly to a simple country girl like me. They placed too much importance on all the wrong things, and after the life I'd had so far, I knew my priorities were a lot simpler than all this grandstanding.
I held back my sigh of impatience at having to sit through the tedious information I hoped I wouldn't need. I shifted in my seat as the announcer droned on, only halfway through the large group of people. A large and very warm hand landed on my thigh, just above my knee, halting my squirming. When I stilled, Baer squeezed my leg gently, and I saw him grin out of my peripheral vision. I avoided looking at him, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself.
His heat seeped through my pants, warming my skin, and made me want to squirm for other reasons. I held myself immobile, focusing on that point of contact, and I found myself torn. Part of me wanted him to move his hand up my thigh to caress my core, while the other part wanted him to pull away completely, realizing that if he started, I'd want him to finish, and now was not the time or place. As if sensing my thoughts, his index finger started drawing circles on the top of my thigh. Heat shot straight to my center, and my gaze jumped to his face, which was turned away from me, entirely focused on the introductions. His movement and lack of attention indicated that he was unaware of what he was doing to me.
I could feel myself heating the longer he drew those lazy, innocent circles, and I squeezed my legs together while shifting to sit up straighter. Instead of his hand falling away, it tightened again to still me, and I inhaled softly as pleasure zinged through me. I needed to get laid if such an innocent touch could get me this wound up. However, I wasn't sure that just any random guy could sate the need that had been growing in me since I’d first met these men. My body would even be satisfied with Lennox, but my mind still rebelled against letting that dick anywhere near my body. Figuratively and literally.
Baer squeezed my leg again, pulling my attention back to him, and I saw him stand. I guess it was our turn now. We all walked together to the front with me in the middle.
“I present, Rhowyn Hunt, unknown court, and unknown affinities, Chosen in the trials. Her consorts are Lord Baer Hawthorne of Spring Court. Air and water affinities. Captain Arryn Oakley of Summer Court with healing and earth affinities. Lord Callum Ivey, Heir of the Autumn Court with fire and shifter affinities. And His Highness, Prince Lennox Holly of Winter Court with ice and shadow affinities.”
Well, damn! These guys were powerful and seemed to be of high standing. All of them were so far out of my league it was ridiculous to think they'd be attracted to someone as lowly as myself. All the more reason to remain uninvolved and just return home.
As we took our seats, the Queen stood to speak again. If I had any luck, we'd be done for the day, and I could go back to my room to relax until meeting with Master Jude. “Thank you, Jensen, for those introductions. I invite everyone to remain here at the castle as my guests until after the trials have been completed. I have planned a ball for the evening prior to what we believe will be the first trial to introduce you all to the people who will be watching as you participate in each one.
“I will be in contact with schedules, so each team has private access to the training rooms and the other events, so please adhere to these as they are provided. With that, you all are released to enjoy the evening however you wish. Dinner is at six, or you may ask for your meals to be delivered to your rooms.” She continued to maintain the kind and gracious host act, but I didn't buy any of it. However, I was glad we were done with her tasks for the day.
We all stood at the same time as everyone else, who immediately began mingling and talking to each other, but I wasn’t the least bit interested, not if I’d be leaving soon. Plus, we needed to prepare for a meeting with Master Jude.
Lennox and Arryn were pulled into a couple of conversations as we tried to make our way through the crowd, but Baer, Callum, and I continued on until we had exited through the large, ornate main doors. We paused outside in a small alcove to wait for them, and I exhaled a long sigh, finally able to relax without all those eyes on us. I guessed I should have expected it since I was the only newcomer who was stuck in my human glamor.
Everyone was so much taller than I was, and I wondered if my glamor was the reason I was so short in comparison. While watching the doors for the guys to join us, I asked Baer and Callum, “What all can a glamor affect or change?”
I turned to Baer as he spoke. “Depending on the strength of magic, a glamor can change any aspect of your appearance.”
“So, the stronger you are, the more you can change your appearance with a glamor? Does it change your height, weight, or shape?”
“Yes, the most powerful can make a tall, skinny fae appear to be short and fat. They can even cast glamors on multiple fae at once.” I considered Baer's answer while Callum stood still, hands behind his back as he watched the doors to the dining hall, but I could tell he was paying attention to every part of our conversation.